View Full Version : question on marks league play only

06-17-2012, 01:26 AM
on a fresh THS 3 or 4 game league play do u play the same arrow all night and adjust by moving your feet and switching balls or do u find yourself changing arrows?

J Anderson
06-17-2012, 08:41 AM
on a fresh THS 3 or 4 game league play do u play the same arrow all night and adjust by moving your feet and switching balls or do u find yourself changing arrows?

Most of the time I either don't have to adjust or only have to move once in three games. When I do its generally two boards with my feet and 1 board at the arrows

06-17-2012, 11:05 AM
Mostly I'll move with my feet first, then my feet and my spot, 2 and 1's like John. I do sometimes change balls in the late second or early third game if I'm getting too far out of my comfort zone, or I find it hard to control what the ball is doing. I tend to shell down and move back left.

06-17-2012, 02:43 PM
If I want to play the same line I will change balls each game as needed. Our lanes dry up quickly though so adjustments are plentiful. If a particular line doesn't feel right for whatever reason then I move make a radical move, usually at least 20 boards. Keep in mind, my arthritis and knee issues affect my speed, my speed that day is what dictates where I start at. I snap, crackle and pop so much during warm up/practice that I usually don't gauge anything off of that.

06-17-2012, 03:56 PM
If I want to play the same line I will change balls each game as needed. Our lanes dry up quickly though so adjustments are plentiful. If a particular line doesn't feel right for whatever reason then I move make a radical move, usually at least 20 boards. Keep in mind, my arthritis and knee issues affect my speed, my speed that day is what dictates where I start at. I snap, crackle and pop so much during warm up/practice that I usually don't gauge anything off of that.

Bill, do you use a knee brace or support of any kind? I had my knee scoped several years ago and had a lot of the crunchies removed but I can tell that it's starting to become a slight issue again. I was wondering if any of the supports like Robby's Kneed-it or other similar products make enough difference to justify the dough.

06-17-2012, 04:05 PM
I wear three different braces at the same time on my knee. Mueller's ace bandage style goes on first. Then an Easton baseball sliding pad over that. Last is the Mueller's hinged heavy duty brace. It seems overboard I know but I have been putting off a knee replacement for 20 years now. They do work and I would suggest the hinged brace for anybody that's had prior knee issues. It looks bulkier than it plays although I have on occasion hit the outside hinge with the ball. It fits under most of my pants and I have worn it to practice right after work over those pants. Worth the $30. I would like to try the better ones but can't justify the money when I don't know if it would work any better. I've been on a VA waiting list for a brace since I got out in 1991 but will never see it until I get a doctor to write a script for it (that makes it a $300 brace lol).

06-17-2012, 04:36 PM
Not sure I need the Robo-cop brace yet lol. was looking at some of the smaller ones. My knee doesn't bother me while bowling but I'm sore for days after. Just wondering if some sort of support would prevent those after effects. Guess I'll just pony up and see. Of course losing a pound or fifty would help a lot. :D

J Anderson
06-17-2012, 06:27 PM
Mostly I'll move with my feet first, then my feet and my spot, 2 and 1's like John. I do sometimes change balls in the late second or early third game if I'm getting too far out of my comfort zone, or I find it hard to control what the ball is doing. I tend to shell down and move back left.

Who said lefties never have to adjust?

Seriously, Is it the tropical climate down there or do you bowl in a very sinister league?

06-18-2012, 09:49 AM
I do think the climate has a lot to do with it. And the lane machine is newer and doesn't seem to put out as much as they used to. Most weeks I'm all by myself on that side, but not always. I like bowling with other lefties on a pair. It seems the moves are more predictable and area opens up. I don't like the righties who stand on my side and throw plastic. The lanes get really squirrelly then.
Sometimes I find myself making "circular" adjustments. I'll start out in one spot, move in for a while, then later move back to where I was and find the shot has come back.

06-18-2012, 10:44 AM
Depends on the day....If I can play the same line all night I will, but that doesn't happen very often. A soon as I notice the ball coming in too much, I start moving over 1 board at a time.

J Anderson
06-18-2012, 10:57 AM
I do think the climate has a lot to do with it. And the lane machine is newer and doesn't seem to put out as much as they used to. Most weeks I'm all by myself on that side, but not always. I like bowling with other lefties on a pair. It seems the moves are more predictable and area opens up. I don't like the righties who stand on my side and throw plastic. The lanes get really squirrelly then.
Sometimes I find myself making "circular" adjustments. I'll start out in one spot, move in for a while, then later move back to where I was and find the shot has come back.

Its funny how some times it seems like there no lefties around and then all of a sudden they (we) are all over the place. Sport league last winter There were only two of us the first half and three the second half, out of 16 bowlers. Last week I stopped in to check out the summer sport league and there seemed to be one or two lefties on every pair which would put them at 25% of the league!

06-18-2012, 12:42 PM
I've noticed that, too. I think we only had, at best, 10% lefties in our winter league out of 30 teams. But the Wed night league seemed to have a lot lot more. We're bowling summer, too, and it seems odd who's bowling with us and who isn't. Some I thought wouldn't are and vice versa. I'll have to try and count us lefties, there's only 16 teams.

06-21-2012, 08:04 PM
It all depends on who you're bowling with,what equipment is used and lane surface. On my Friday league i can usually just make line and hand position changes during the first two games but then ball down for the third game. On Mondays i usually change balls each game and stay in the same general area as i play pretty deep on Mondays.