View Full Version : For Bill and any other Bowlers with Knee/Hand/ feet/ shoulder joint pain!!

06-19-2012, 08:21 AM
For what its worth Bill, if you have a Sam’s, or better yet Costco in your area get a bottle of liquid Wellesse, Joint Movement Glucosammine, Extra strength! It has 2000 mg glucosamine, 1200 mg chondroitin, and 500 mg MSM!!!!!!!! I have not missed a dose in over 6 years, found out about it while I was living in Modesto Ca!
The stuff is AMAZING!! You will notice a huge difference in mobility, flexibility and lubrication of joints. Mine (((do not make any noise at all now, even my hands!! I used to be able to crack my fingers 5 different ways, but now, not a sound!)))
The large bottle I get is 33.8 fl oz… and is 33 daily servings, Costco runs it on sale every few months, and I buy 3 or 4 bottles at 13.00 a month. Regular price is 18.99 bottle! Bill It is unbelievable stuff! If I were to recommend ONE thing for bowlers with Osteoarthritis, or Ra to take it would be (THIS Brand, and formula) I was told I would be in a wheel chair over 6 years ago! I feel better now in large part to this product! What have you got to lose other then maybe unnecessary surgery!! Any bowlers out there having pain or inflammation of joints, TRY THIS LIQUID Formula!!
This stuff protects and rebuilds cartilage tissue to keep your joints flexible and your body active! Chondroitin naturally occurs in the connective tissue to cushion and lubricate cartilage for ease of joint moment, the MSM is an organic form of sulfur vital in nourishing and maintaining healthy connective tissue in the joints for flexibility and elasticity!!
Any of you bowlers out there with joint problems, I would highly ,,,HIGHLY recommend this product! Not all products are equal!! This, in liquid form I can say from long term use WORKS!!
Guess what,,, I am not in a wheel chair, I have not needed surgery, and I feel better every year!!
Also import is Diet,,, we eat soooooo much crap!! Be more selective, and (((stay away from sugar)))!!! I lost 50 lbs just doing that! Do not use artificial sweeteners at all!!! Use Stevia!!! Only safe sweetener out there!! Aspartame and Splenda will actually put weight on, not to mention cause damage to your body!! (several good books out on that subject, backed by science)!
Exercise, and drink plenty of good pure water, along with plenty of dark green vegetables!
I am living proof that what YOU take in to your body, has a direct effect on how your body functions.
I could go ON for hours on do’s and don’ts but I don’t want to take up any more of your time!!
GET THE LIQUID Wellesse LARGE bottle for the best price at Costco’s or Sams… as I said Costco’s has it on sale once in a while, and stock up,,,, THE STUFF WORKS…..
I don’t go to the Ra doctor anymore, I remember he used to always ask me, (“how long does it take you to get out of bed every morning”?) My reply was .0332 seconds! LOL…… Get some Bill!!

06-19-2012, 11:02 AM
Thanks Mike, I will try it. I've also been looking to leave the automotive field. I know standing on concrete all day and hammering my joints for hours on end isn't doing any good either.

The German Shepherd
06-19-2012, 12:20 PM
Ihave been using Osteo Biflex (a similar product) and it has given me the ability to sleep better (due to lack of knee pain) and it has given me more freedom of movement. Glucosamine & Chondroitin does the trick. Now even my right ring finger and middle finger have stopped swelling after bowling. Good stuff and you are more than right, Mike...
