View Full Version : WOW we just got an earthquake

06-19-2012, 08:46 PM
I'm in southern Australia where earthquakes are something we read about in schools we never get them

Last night while I was at the bowl coaching the whole building shook
I thought a truck had ran into the side of the building but it continued for a good 30 seconds
The guy at the control counter yelled what the **** is happening someone yelled its an earthquake

No one knew what to do

Now I'm in my early fifty's and have only experienced a small tremor when I was in my twenty's

When it was over I yelled to one of the guys I was coaching "see what happens when you get a strike":)

I was reported to be a 5.5 on the richter scale how big is that?
(goggle says intermediate)

Does anyone live in an earthquake zone and get them regularly
Do you get used to them
What do you do

06-19-2012, 08:57 PM
5.5 isn't a real big one, that will do much damage but it will definitely get your attention. Earthquakes are measured on a log scale so a 5.0 is ten times stronger than a 4.0, and a 6.0 is ten times stronger than a 5.0, etc.

06-26-2012, 04:31 AM
it's only 5.5? just a few days ago there was a 6.6SR earthquake in Aceh (whis is 700km from where i live in Medan) but here we felt the tremors also.. and indonesia is certainly in an earthquake zone (not exactly the city i live in but mostly in Aceh, Padang)
Japan is certainly in an earthquake zone but i doubt there's any japanese here..

06-26-2012, 01:28 PM
I live in California. First earthquake seemed like the house shaking because of someone jumping in the house. Other ones have been small and just enough to be noticed. The really big ones that cause things to fall off the walls are the ones to worry about. If things aren't falling over, then it's not big enough to worry about.