View Full Version : Offer Some Help

10-27-2008, 05:30 PM
- By George Freeman

When a member of your team is struggling, the natural reaction is to want to help them. Many times when a bowler is having problems, another set of eyes can help pinpoint the problem, since the person watching can see the whole picture and look for anything that might be wrong.

However, be careful when offering help. Many bowlers do not want to get help unless they ask for it. Offering unsolicited advice can aggravate a bowler, and create a bigger problem. If you see something wrong with a teammate's game, walk up to them and say, "Do you mind if I tell you what I'm seeing?". This will give the bowler the opportunity to politely tell you he doesn't want advice, or it will give him the opportunity to get some outside help. If they don't want help, then leave it alone, they want to work it out on their own. And please keep in mind this especially goes for helping spouses and your own children. If they keep having trouble chances are they will come up to you and ask for your help anyway.

It's good to help a teammate, but it is important to know when to give it and when to leave well enough alone.