View Full Version : When To Use New Techniques

10-27-2008, 05:33 PM
- By George Freeman

We all know that there are many diffrent techniques to throwing a bowling ball. For many intermediate and advanced bowlers, that means learning new things constantly. Since bowling is an ever changing sport, you need to stay on top of all the changes that occur in the game.

Practice is the best way to master any new technique. By doing the same things over and over again in practice, you can carry them over in competition when you get a good handle on them. However, it is important to know when to try to incorporate something new into your game, and when to leave it alone.

When you are just starting out learning something new, you naturally are not going to be very proficient at it at first. Therefore, trying something you just started learning in a league or tournament may not be the best idea. Your muscles have not adjusted to the new motions yet, and thus they will not be able to perform as well in a game type situation. A good rule of thumb is to leave trying new things in practice, and when you feel confident in being able to do it reasonably consistently, then you can turn it loose in competition.

Getting the motions down during practice will help you be able to get it right when you need it in competition.