View Full Version : Lava liquid soap?

06-25-2012, 11:42 PM
A good bowler, that bows with Jason on his Tuesday Night league, was using liquid lava on his ball. I notice he was rubbing it into the ball, then wiping it off?
Is lava ok on ball surface?

06-26-2012, 12:00 AM
Given if the Lava soap had the pumice in it. Which is a abrasive then you couldn't use it during bowling, it would violate the rules on altering the surface.

It would clean the ball, but I would wonder about the moisturizers etc. that would be leaving residue on the ball.

06-26-2012, 12:09 AM
He was rubbing it in the ball with one rag,,, then wiped it off, then used a spray bottle of ball cleanter. I wonder what effect the pumas would have in regards to ruffing up the surface. 300.400, 600?? I know he has used it a lot on his high end balls, and he gets great hook on the back end. He is about a 190-200 bowler average.

06-26-2012, 12:18 AM
Given if the Lava soap had the pumice in it. Which is a abrasive then you couldn't use it during bowling, it would violate the rules on altering the surface.

It would clean the ball, but I would wonder about the moisturizers etc. that would be leaving residue on the ball.

You could surely use it before and after bowling though right? I'm not sure Mike was saying he was using it DURING bowling, but rather after.... I don't know who he is talking about though, so I can't know for sure.

Are you saying Jeff used this on his ball? I've never seen him use anything on his ball, but then again, I don't pay attention to what he does after he is done bowling lol.

06-26-2012, 12:21 AM
I wonder what effect the pumas would have in regards to ruffing up the surface.
Well it would depend on how mad the pumas were and how sharp their claws were.


Now pumice in lava soap is very fine, no where near 600 or even a 1000

06-26-2012, 12:24 AM
You could surely use it before and after bowling though right? I'm not sure Mike was saying he was using it DURING bowling, but rather after.... I don't know who he is talking about though, so I can't know for sure.

Are you saying Jeff used this on his ball? I've never seen him use anything on his ball, but then again, I don't pay attention to what he does after he is done bowling lol.

Yes, you could use it before/after bowling.

06-26-2012, 02:00 AM
Yes, you could use it before/after bowling.

Hey I didn’t mention any names like you did Jason! I don’t want to be responsible for the FBI, PBA Officials knocking down his door, just because he was cleaning his ball with Lava!!! Shi#!! I can’t believe you mentioned his name,,, They have been know to storm houses, knock down doors, and take into custody guys/gals using the illegal substance on their bowling balls before league play!! I don’t think you meant Jeff,,,, JEFF!! The guy you bowl with! Some times they fine bowlers thousands of $$$!!
If I did use the stuff, I would (come clean), and turn myself in!! honesty is always the best in regards to use of illegal substances!

06-26-2012, 02:09 AM
Hey I didn’t mention any names like you did Jason! I don’t want to be responsible for the FBI, PBA Officials knocking down his door, just because he was cleaning his ball with Lava!!! Shi#!! I can’t believe you mentioned his name,,, They have been know to storm houses, knock down doors, and take into custody guys/gals using the illegal substance on their bowling balls before league play!! I don’t think you meant Jeff,,,, JEFF!! The guy you bowl with! Some times they fine bowlers thousands of $$$!!
If I did use the stuff, I would (come clean), and turn myself in!! honesty is always the best in regards to use of illegal substances!

Hahaha!! Well, fortunately, it's legal to use as long as it's before or after bowling, just like any other substance.

06-26-2012, 08:09 AM
Hahaha!! Well, fortunately, it's legal to use as long as it's before or after bowling, just like any other substance.

Seeing as Lava soap isn't on the USBC approved cleaners list, it's legal status is murky at best.

Same can be said about the Pumas too!

06-26-2012, 08:16 AM
The same can (and has) be said about Mike's sense of humor. I enjoy it but am admittedly warped.

06-26-2012, 02:01 PM
Seeing as Lava soap isn't on the USBC approved cleaners list, it's legal status is murky at best.

Same can be said about the Pumas too!

Well, I'll ask him about it. Again, I've never seen him use anything on his balls (Not saying he doesn't, just never payed any attention). When did you see him doing this Mike? Last Tuesday and you just now decided to bring it up? Or did you see him at some other point?

So just because something isn't on the "approved" list it's illegal? So I could clean my ball with a mix of cayenne pepper and milk and that would be considered illegal? Basically I'm trying to say, do they REALLY have to list every possible cleaning solution for it to be approved/legal?

I'm sure lava soap (which by the way, I've never heard of, lol) does a whole lot less for a bowling ball than any other USBC approved cleaning solution or reacta wipes

06-26-2012, 03:09 PM
So just because something isn't on the "approved" list it's illegal? No it doesn't make it illegal, But It doesn't make it legal either.

But it would be covered by this USBC rule:
Rule 18 - Bowling Ball - Altering Surface
Altering the surface of a bowling ball by the use of abrasives while bowling in USBC competition is prohibited.
All bowling balls so altered must be removed from the competition.

Using Lava as a example it has pumice (a volcanic rock which is a solidified frothy lava.) in it. Then it has a abrasive in it, thus would be illegal under this rule. Because it would alter the ball surface.

So I could clean my ball with a mix of cayenne pepper and milk and that would be considered illegal? Given if it altered the balls surface, it could be.

Basically I'm trying to say, do they REALLY have to list every possible cleaning solution for it to be approved/legal?

No they don't have to list everything and they don't. But given how bowlers complain and see sandbaggers and cheaters under every rock. They got to at least attempt to keep everything fair, so they watch what bowlers wipe on their balls.

06-26-2012, 03:53 PM
No it doesn't make it illegal, But It doesn't make it legal either.

But it would be covered by this USBC rule:
Rule 18 - Bowling Ball - Altering Surface
Altering the surface of a bowling ball by the use of abrasives while bowling in USBC competition is prohibited.
All bowling balls so altered must be removed from the competition.

Using Lava as a example it has pumice (a volcanic rock which is a solidified frothy lava.) in it. Then it has a abrasive in it, thus would be illegal under this rule. Because it would alter the ball surface.

Given if it altered the balls surface, it could be.

No they don't have to list everything and they don't. But given how bowlers complain and see sandbaggers and cheaters under every rock. They got to at least attempt to keep everything fair, so they watch what bowlers wipe on their balls.

Are we still talking about what you rub on your ball DURING competition? Yes, I would agree with you that it would be illegal. I am talking about before and after competition.

06-26-2012, 04:41 PM
Are we still talking about what you rub on your ball DURING competition? Yes, I would agree with you that it would be illegal. I am talking about before and after competition.

In regards to the Lava soap
I answered this in post #6 where I said "Yes, you could use it before/after bowling. "
But the USBC might have a different opinion, that's why things get tested and approved.

in the posts above you asked "So just because something isn't on the "approved" list it's illegal?" and I addressed that question

06-26-2012, 05:01 PM
In regards to the Lava soap
I answered this in post #6 where I said "Yes, you could use it before/after bowling. "
But the USBC might have a different opinion, that's why things get tested and approved.

in the posts above you asked "So just because something isn't on the "approved" list it's illegal?" and I addressed that question

Ok. Sorry for the confusion.

06-27-2012, 10:54 AM
I won’t mention the guys name since, I don’t want to cause any problems with the PBA, but Jeff was using it BEFORE the league began,,,, what he was doing DURING league under that large black sheet he bring with him, I don’t know,,, and probably don’t want to know!!! What he does on league night under the veil of large black sheet, is his business!! It just looks strange, and Lots of movement noticed!! That’s all I am going to say about this. Its now perfectly murky as to the legality of “Lava Liquid Bowling Ball Restorative Solution” Not disapproved or approved by the PBA! You be the DECIDER!! LOL….

06-28-2012, 12:08 AM
To see if it is legal or illegal, consider this. If it has the same ingredients as an item on the approved list, then I would interpret it as being legal to use. If it does not have the same ingredients as something on the approved list, it would be illegal to use. Most cleaning/polishes/etc have the same main ingredients. It would be a pain in the *** to go through that entire list looking at ingredients but why not just send USBC an email and ask them for a ruling? After all, isn't that what they are there for? to answer questions like this?

06-28-2012, 12:11 AM
Found this on the MSDS for this product. Here are the ingredients:

- Composition/Information on Ingredients
Ingredient CAS # Weight Percent
Lauryl Glucoside 110615-47-9 1-5%
Sodium Laureth Sulfate 68585-34-2 1-5%
Cocamidopropyl Betaine 61789-40-0 1-5%
Pumice 1332-09-8 1-5%
Non-Hazardous Ingredients Mixture 1-5%
Water 7732-18-5 80-90%