View Full Version : Thumb Twist-in-inserts???

07-05-2012, 06:18 PM
I am thinking about getting my 4 balls fixed with those removable inserts! Some of my thumb holes feel great,,, some not as well! Some times as I bowl and my thumb starts to swell, it hangs up. I don't like using tape in the ball at all!!! So my question is what do you think of the inserts,,,, good, bad, and ugly,
(what movie bill),,,,, daaaaaa, easy one LOL!!

07-05-2012, 07:53 PM
I've never used them but i'm thinking about swapping over too. I'm sure it would help to have a more consistant feel across the board. Especially if you are swapping balls between games or even between frames. Also it would be good to be able to swap out for a looser thumbhole as your thumb swells. or vice-versa. I'm pretty sure Bill uses them. Maybe he can enlighten us to the pros and cons.

07-05-2012, 08:09 PM
Cons: None that I can think of
Pros: Consistent feel ball to ball. I have three sizes for the varying diameter of my thumb. They are easy to make small adjustments with. I had mine done a little bit tight so I could bevel and oval exactly how I wanted. My three sizes are in three different colors and marked on the bottoms to easily identify the size needed.

I use Vise IT and absolutely love them. Best thing ever to happen to bowling, in my opinion.

The good, the bad and the ugly lol

07-05-2012, 11:39 PM
I have and appointment tomorrow with Trent, the pro that drilled all my balls! He uses and recommends the brand you mentioned Bill. I am looking for uniformity in grip and feel of thumb hole. Each ball has such a different feel even though they are drilled pretty much the same, other then location on the ball. I am looking forward to getting it done tomorrow at 1pm! Thanks for the comments and opinions!! Thank you for being my friend,,, ( what hit tv program used that phrase in its theme, for .25 cents! LOL…..

07-05-2012, 11:42 PM
One other question....: do they last long? socket, and or piece that goes into the socket? I think I read that they need maintainance or something to that effect?

07-05-2012, 11:53 PM
I don't use them myself, but a lot guy's here use turbo Switch Grip's. The only problem I've heard of was awhile back, of them breaking (a defect I believe), but that has since been fixed.

a printable version of the Switch Grip Drilling and Installation Guide (pdf) (http://www.turbogrips.com/downloads/http://turbogrips.com/downloads/2011_switch_grip_installation_guide.pdf)


07-06-2012, 12:21 AM
I think I have heard that there are at least 3 different brands,,, are they all about the same?? Do the Pro's (most), use one brand more then another?

07-06-2012, 12:31 AM
I have and appointment tomorrow with Trent, the pro that drilled all my balls! He uses and recommends the brand you mentioned Bill. I am looking for uniformity in grip and feel of thumb hole. Each ball has such a different feel even though they are drilled pretty much the same, other then location on the ball. I am looking forward to getting it done tomorrow at 1pm! Thanks for the comments and opinions!! Thank you for being my friend,,, ( what hit tv program used that phrase in its theme, for .25 cents! LOL…..

Thank you for being a friend, we've travelled down the road and back again.....The Golden Girls. Soon I'll have enough imaginary money for that fake operation. lol

07-06-2012, 01:06 AM
Thank you for being a friend, we've travelled down the road and back again.....The Golden Girls. Soon I'll have enough imaginary money for that fake operation. lol

YOU WIN Chris!!! My mom who has dimentia pretty bad, likes to watch that program with me!!! Chris, what every your needing the operation for,,,, I wish it was imaginary, then you could use the imaginary winnings to pay your imaginary doctor, and imaginary hospital!! LOL.... take care!!!

07-06-2012, 02:32 AM
A lot of the good players around here are starting to have their balls fitted with the turbo switch grips. I've thought about it but I'm still on the fence. Two of the ladies that had it done had theirs fall out at some point during the ball return and couldn't find them anymore.....one of them that happened at a tournament. I'm guessing it has more to do with user error than something with the TSGs, since they're the only two out of maybe 20 that that's happened to. I'm still not sure if I want to get them though....besides, I kind of like having every ball have it's own feel.....it kind of gives the ball some character :).

07-06-2012, 08:32 AM
The defect turbo had was the reason I tried the Vise IT and am glad I did. No maintenance, no problems, no worries. I have had mine for just over a year with ZERO issues.

The German Shepherd
07-06-2012, 09:39 AM
Oh foooey. I was thinking about that Bill Bixby show about "Eddies's Dad"...

Thank you for being a friend, we've travelled down the road and back again.....The Golden Girls. Soon I'll have enough imaginary money for that fake operation. lol

J Anderson
07-06-2012, 10:05 AM
Oh foooey. I was thinking about that Bill Bixby show about "Eddies's Dad"...

" The Courtship of Eddie's Father", I had pretty much forgotten that show. I really liked " My Favorite Martian" better. Of course I was a kid back then and had no interest in a romantic comedy. Would probably be really disappointed to watch an episode of either show now.

07-06-2012, 10:20 AM
" The Courtship of Eddie's Father", I had pretty much forgotten that show. I really liked " My Favorite Martian" better. Of course I was a kid back then and had no interest in a romantic comedy. Would probably be really disappointed to watch an episode of either show now.

It is funny how many VERY popular shows back when I was young, ( when dinosaurs were still roaming the earth in some locations, here in Kansas city), are so corny now!! Strange how society seems to change in such a short time in that regards. I noticed that when watching some of the old programs!
I find myself asking, myself,,,,, What the ……. That isn’t even funny??? Maybe evolution is REAL!!

07-06-2012, 09:02 PM
It is funny how many VERY popular shows back when I was young, ( when dinosaurs were still roaming the earth in some locations, here in Kansas city), are so corny now!! Strange how society seems to change in such a short time in that regards. I noticed that when watching some of the old programs!
I find myself asking, myself,,,,, What the ……. That isn’t even funny??? Maybe evolution is REAL!!

BEST thing since Ice cream!!! They worked like a CHAMP!! I would HIGLY RECOMMEND them to anyone that wants a GREAT thumb hole that Fits the same on all your balls! I was 77 1/3 percent more accurate, and no hang ups on the thumb at all. Had some Great games,,, was bowling with out a spare ball while he was drilling them! Had the Alien finished last. I would bet now that my average goes from 200 where I am at now on the sanctioned League with all the Top Guns, to 210/220! The release is THAT much better! You were absolutely right Bill!!! Thanks for recommending the brand Vise IT !
I had the Virtual Gravity, Both Undefeated, and my alien converted with two different inserts one a little larger then the other. For around 70 bucks! I don’t know why I waited as long as I did!!

07-06-2012, 09:50 PM
He did your spare ball too? Lucky you! The place I went to wouldn't do plastic balls, I don't know why. I do know I can tell the difference as soon as I insert my thumb. Maybe I will see about getting it done in Indianapolis next week while I'm there.

07-06-2012, 09:54 PM
He did your spare ball too? Lucky you! The place I went to wouldn't do plastic balls, I don't know why. I do know I can tell the difference as soon as I insert my thumb. Maybe I will see about getting it done in Indianapolis next week while I'm there.

His spare ball isn't plastic..

07-06-2012, 09:56 PM
Duh, I forgot Ice (lol) used a burnt up ball for spares. Thanks for reminding me.

07-06-2012, 09:57 PM
He did your spare ball too? Lucky you! The place I went to wouldn't do plastic balls, I don't know why. I do know I can tell the difference as soon as I insert my thumb. Maybe I will see about getting it done in Indianapolis next week while I'm there.

Bill my spare ball is not plastic!!! It's my burnt out,,,,, use to be dull finish Red Alien Ball!! It has a 4000 finish and higly polished, and it works GREAT on the spares!! Jason will testify to that. I hardly ever miss the ten, pin when using it!

I now feel complete... I am ready to reach those goals,,,, 300,,,, 700,,,800!!! Then retire!! lol,,,,

07-08-2012, 05:46 PM
I have been using the Vise IT for almost 3 years now and have had ZERO problems with the system. I have easily done 25 balls for myself and another 50-75 for others.I've had to replace a couple slugs damaged ( chunk of slug taken out) by the lanes but that's it

J Anderson
07-08-2012, 10:35 PM
Bill my spare ball is not plastic!!! It's my burnt out,,,,, use to be dull finish Red Alien Ball!! It has a 4000 finish and higly polished, and it works GREAT on the spares!! Jason will testify to that. I hardly ever miss the ten, pin when using it!

I now feel complete... I am ready to reach those goals,,,, 300,,,, 700,,,800!!! Then retire!! lol,,,,

I thought you were retired.

07-08-2012, 10:39 PM
John, Mike retired from Iron Work. In his post I believe he meant retire from bowling. That would be pretty dumb, in my opinion, but to each their own :p

07-09-2012, 01:37 AM
How much do interchangeable thumbs usually cost? I was looking at the prices for the switchgrip at the pro shop I go to today and it's $25 for the inner piece and $15 for the outer. Is this about average for the switchgrip or what?

07-09-2012, 10:32 AM
How much do interchangeable thumbs usually cost? I was looking at the prices for the switchgrip at the pro shop I go to today and it's $25 for the inner piece and $15 for the outer. Is this about average for the switchgrip or what?

YES, that is about average! Here in Kansas City, it was 25, and 15,,,,the same as you quoted! If you get them, BELIEVE ME,, you will not regret it!!!!
You not only will have that perfect thumb hole, but it will move from ball to ball!

I threw 13 strikes in a role yesterday with Jason!! Great control with the new system! I had a extra one made for the spare ball, so i would not have to change the strike ball insert back and fourth!! I make it A little larger then the UNDEFEATED, (strike ball), so that if my thumb shouldl get too tight I could use it.
I am 10000 perctnt happy with my interchangeable thumb inserts, GLAD I went with the brand bill recommended!!!! Thanks Bill]

07-09-2012, 05:31 PM
Your welcome. I also paid that same price for mine in Dayton. I will check how much they are in Indianapolis when I'm there later this week.

07-09-2012, 11:35 PM
Your welcome. I also paid that same price for mine in Dayton. I will check how much they are in Indianapolis when I'm there later this week.

Bill,,,,,aaaaa, I hate to say this,,, but ,,BUT those grips are all I need to take Young Dude apart this Friday!! I will say this,,, he is at his peak at the moment,,,, right now!!! SO AM I!! LOL!!!
I just got back from a little practice on dry lanes,,,, game one was 201, then 225, and 234!! Even on bone dry,,,, I was able to adjust!! Jason is in trouble…. And it’s your fault!! Those GRIPS are the best thing since ding, dongs!!!
It will be YOUR fault, when I win the bet this FRIDAY…… (thanks again for the great advice in unbold print! Lol
Day before yesterday, we both got on a strike streak,,, I had 13, and Jason had I think 15 or 16…. ! I think I could have gone on,,,, but decided to let him think he was the DUDE, so on my 14 (could have been strike,,, I decided to get a 10 pin leave)!!! Lol….. don’t tell the Dude!! (between you and me)!
WE had some very good games….. Thanks in part to YOU BILL!! Dog-Gone-it!! You’re a good man Bill, and the Dude and me aaa,,,,,aa,,, like you and aaaa,,, a ,,, are grateful of your sharing of knowledge!
Iam a going to hate beating Jason Friday with the secret weapon YOU gave me,,,, Vise IT’s!!! lol lol …lol!!!!

07-09-2012, 11:49 PM
Those are great games for bone dry lanes. I didn't fare well today on mine but was working more on speed control and targeting

07-10-2012, 12:17 AM
He said that they were serviced Sunday Monrning! I am sure not as dry as yours!! I had all four balls, and I coulden't use any of my mid to heavy oil balls, used may polished, 4000 Alien, and it hood like a champ, and ,,, AND worked every time but once, ( my fault) on the ten pin!)) Its been a great ball since I resurfaced it for the job I had in mind! I have conditioned all four balls, to work from heavey oil, to dry! I keep records, and make notes as to how they worked.
ITs a BLAST!!! I have learned a lot,,, on this site, and hope to learn even more!! Thanks Bill,,, ( even if you like the DUDE more then me)! I still like you (:)
Your just on the wrong side!!!

07-10-2012, 12:38 AM
I never said I like Dude more than you. I just chose my predicted winner for your match Friday. I have a good match tomorrow myself. I will finally get to bowl head to head against my daughter. she text me earlier and said "U better go 2 bed & get some sleep cuz Im taking u 2 school 2morrow. Plannin on droppin an 8series on u. Luv ya"
Now I will translate for the older generation: "You better go to bed and get some sleep because I'm taking you to school tomorrow. I'm planning on throwing an 800 series against you. Love you."
I better bring my A game. She had a bad week last week but has been rolling some serious 800 series this summer. Our house record is 854 and she missed breaking that by a 7-10 split in the 4th frame about a month ago. I think it would be real cool if we both rolled 300s in the same game even though it's non-sanctioned. I plan on open bowling on our pair tomorrow afternoon. The purpose? to burn her favorite line up. It will be the HRR all practice right through her line. Devious? Yes. Fair? Yes.

07-10-2012, 12:54 AM
Good LUCK Bill!! LOOKS like YOUR GOING TO NEED IT!! YOU TAUGHT her WELL!! Let us know how it turns out!!!!!
I bet you hope the dude wins Friday,,, it seems my writting is getting bigger and bigger ... I can't help my self!!!!!!!!

07-10-2012, 12:01 PM
John, Mike retired from Iron Work. In his post I believe he meant retire from bowling. That would be pretty dumb, in my opinion, but to each their own :p

Bill you said that I would be stupid for making a choice that didn’t agree with your thoughts, or ideas on bowling after my goals were reached!
And in reality, compared to the infinite level of knowledge, and wisdom that is, we are all at the level of a plastic bowling ball!! So, in reply to your statement that I am, or would be stupid,,,,,,,,, I somewhat agree!
True wisdom ,,,,is knowing that you are only an atom on a plastic bowling balls left side.
Most choices we Humans make are almost always pretty damn stupid! Read a History book. just look around you,,,,
I do!! How many times have I said using my stupid inner thoughts,
“Beam me UP Scotty” no intelligent life force here on planet earth,,,,,,,, but nothing happens???
Then it dawns on me,,,, I am one of them…. (Stupid life forces), and that’s the only reason why Scotties replacement does not activate the transporter!! So bill, your correct in assuming I would be stupid!! O’Brian, (replacement in the transporter room for Scotty (may he rest in peace),,,,, that’s why I am still here on planet EARTH,,,, A little piece of matter floating around this universe, with billions of other planets,,,,,,,, just ONE of trillions of other know Universes each with its own billions of stars!
Yes, Bill in conclusion, I am nothing but a Mistake Making Machine, maybe this whole planet is a idea gone bad, not well thought out,,,,,,,, not unlike my stupid ideas on bowling
Well not to change the subject,,,but I have things to do
Wow, its cooling off here in Parkville!! Think I might finish painting the house! Iceman lol.. wow I feel better now… how about you William~~~ ()Gee,,, its soooo much easier to read with larger print!!

07-10-2012, 04:39 PM
I don't think I've ever had to scroll so much to read such a short post. BTW, you're not suppose to paint a house with spray cans. And I actually agree with your post lol

07-10-2012, 05:43 PM
I use the turbo switch grips, and sell them in my pro shop. They work great. I have over 20 balls myself, so it is impossible to drill my balls all the same. The only con to having them is, if you have a natural grip to your swing (like me), you can feel about 1/16" move when at the top of your back swing. This is due to the obvious different in size of the slug and outer grip that allows them to come out. I fixed this by putting a small strip of black tape on the outside of the slug. This makes it harder to get them in and out, but makes them firm in the hole when you throw it. I think anyone with more than 3 balls should have them installed. I have about 1000 games on the thumb slug I use most of the time, and it is still going strong. NO sign of it giving up anytime soon. Well worth the investment!

07-11-2012, 12:49 AM
I have about 1000 games on the thumb slug I use most of the time, and it is still going strong. NO sign of it giving up anytime soon. Well worth the investment![/QUOTE]

I agree!! I averaged in league 225 last week using them for the first time! My average was 196, now 200! That was a four game league average, first game was 279, tied a Top Gun sub, on the league!! I feel NO slop, or space at all! 1000 percent happy with the brand I purchased, and the job Trent did at NKC AMF.

The brand is Vise ITs! highly recommend!! GREAT,,, SUPPER Feel on release! ICEMAN

07-26-2012, 05:22 AM
Hey quick question regarding switch grips or the other brand. So i know the outer hole has to be larger so if i am converting my existing balls (marvel, Primal Impulse and white dot(can they do the white dot?)) to switch grip will i need to have my current thumb hole plugged and then re-drilled? or is it a case of the can just directly drill over the existing thumb slug and put in the outer?


07-26-2012, 05:30 AM
Hey quick question regarding switch grips or the other brand. So i know the outer hole has to be larger so if i am converting my existing balls (marvel, Primal Impulse and white dot(can they do the white dot?)) to switch grip will i need to have my current thumb hole plugged and then re-drilled? or is it a case of the can just directly drill over the existing thumb slug and put in the outer?


As long as your thumb hole isn't over 1 1/2" then they can just drill
out your existing thumb hole if you know your pitches or let the Pro
shop find them and put the outer sleeve in there without doing any
kind of plugging I do believe.

07-26-2012, 10:44 AM
You are correct, there is no need to plug before drilling. The largest thumb slug is 1 3/8" in most places, so the 1 1/2" bit will widen it a bit and be ready to go. I am not sure about the IT from Vise. To use their's I have to have a different type of drill press.

07-26-2012, 12:03 PM
I never said I like Dude more than you. I just chose my predicted winner for your match Friday. I have a good match tomorrow myself. I will finally get to bowl head to head against my daughter. she text me earlier and said "U better go 2 bed & get some sleep cuz Im taking u 2 school 2morrow. Plannin on droppin an 8series on u. Luv ya"
Now I will translate for the older generation: "You better go to bed and get some sleep because I'm taking you to school tomorrow. I'm planning on throwing an 800 series against you. Love you."
I better bring my A game. She had a bad week last week but has been rolling some serious 800 series this summer. Our house record is 854 and she missed breaking that by a 7-10 split in the 4th frame about a month ago. I think it would be real cool if we both rolled 300s in the same game even though it's non-sanctioned. I plan on open bowling on our pair tomorrow afternoon. The purpose? to burn her favorite line up. It will be the HRR all practice right through her line. Devious? Yes. Fair? Yes.

Wow your daughter is one heck of a bowler,,,, better then The Dude and me put togerther!!! Any film of her bowling!!!!! Post some of YOU and Her bowling togerther,,, that would be cool to see!!!