View Full Version : Had a great time bowling today

07-08-2012, 04:19 PM
Bowled 10 games today, and I still wanted to bowl more.
I was starting to get better games, haha
Game 1 : 105
Game 2 : 145
Game 3 : 148
Game 4 : 132
Game 5 : 140
Game 6 : 137
Game 7 : 150
Game 8 : 132
Game 9 : 154
Game 10 : 171

J Anderson
07-08-2012, 04:59 PM
Bowled 10 games today, and I still wanted to bowl more.
I was starting to get better games, haha
Game 1 : 105
Game 2 : 145
Game 3 : 148
Game 4 : 132
Game 5 : 140
Game 6 : 137
Game 7 : 150
Game 8 : 132
Game 9 : 154
Game 10 : 171

I can see why, and I usually feel the same way despite the scores. If they're going up obviously I will want to keep going. If they're going down I want one more chance to figure it out and bowl a good one.

The German Shepherd
07-08-2012, 06:52 PM
10 games and you still wanted to bowl more??? Must be nice to be young....or Billf..;)


07-08-2012, 10:44 PM
Jay, it was only 10 games. What was Sam suppose to do with the other 23 others of the day? I bowled ten yesterday and was upset I couldn't bowl more. If we were busier at work I could make some real money and be able to bowl more games. Can't wait for late August or September when our center has the open bowling pass again.

07-08-2012, 11:06 PM
This last Friday Dude and Iceman bowled 11 games!! At that point we thought about going till MIDNIGHT!!! But he had the Big game saturday, so we quit lol (:)
We had a GREAT time bowling!!!!!! You Can't Bowl too MUCH!!! Science backs that FACT!!! Its not a Theory!!! FACT!!! LOL...(:)

07-08-2012, 11:45 PM
10 games and you still wanted to bowl more??? Must be nice to be young....or Billf..;)

Yes I felt like I could play another 10, and I was just getting warmed up,
The power of the youth!

07-08-2012, 11:47 PM
Jay, it was only 10 games. What was Sam suppose to do with the other 23 others of the day? I bowled ten yesterday and was upset I couldn't bowl more. If we were busier at work I could make some real money and be able to bowl more games. Can't wait for late August or September when our center has the open bowling pass again.

What does a open bowling pass do? I'm guessing letting you bowl for free, or prepaid?

07-08-2012, 11:48 PM
This last Friday Dude and Iceman bowled 11 games!! At that point we thought about going till MIDNIGHT!!! But he had the Big game saturday, so we quit lol (:)
We had a GREAT time bowling!!!!!! You Can't Bowl too MUCH!!! Science backs that FACT!!! Its not a Theory!!! FACT!!! LOL...(:)

I'm with Michael on this one haha

The German Shepherd
07-09-2012, 10:33 AM
Well, if I were to bowl ten games, my right knee would give out, my back would be sore and my fingers would fall off. Well, okay, maybe the fingers would not fall off, but I will say this, the only way I could bowl 10 games or go after a record like billf is doing would be if I were to continue to lose weight and get in MUCH better shape. And I mean MUCH better shape... that and get 10 years younger.


Jay, it was only 10 games. What was Sam suppose to do with the other 23 others of the day? I bowled ten yesterday and was upset I couldn't bowl more. If we were busier at work I could make some real money and be able to bowl more games. Can't wait for late August or September when our center has the open bowling pass again.

07-09-2012, 05:42 PM
I consider myself to be in poor shape but the two guys at work are 20 years younger than me and can't keep up. I've had 9 right knee surgeries and 1 on the left, none since 1993. I'm always in some kind of pain but ignore it as much as possible. I'm 6' and weigh 205lbs. I wear a size 36" waist and 2XL-3XL shirts. In shape was when in high school and the Army. I could run 20 miles at a time (did that 3 times a week), weighed 268lbs with a 32" waist and 62" chest. I could do push ups until the other person got tired. As a Drill Sargent I once let a recruit bet me that he could do more of them than me. he quit after 130something. He asked me to please stop at 500. He never questioned me again. I have trouble running now. Back then it was a breeze to run two miles in under 11 minutes. I use to do morning PT with an 80 pound ruck sack on my back. Now thinking about excessive exercise makes me tired. So out of shape is all relative to what we are comparing it to.
I think what bothers me the most are the love handles. Those darn things just don't want to leave on their own. I thought softball would help but I quickly figured out that if I hit it far enough I wouldn't have to run.

07-09-2012, 06:56 PM
About 15 years ago I wouldn't have given it a second thought about bowling 30+
games all at one practice session or during a tournament. I'm extremely happy
now days to just make it through 3 league games or 3 practice games at a time
and I'm seriously thankful that my knees haven't collapsed on me and or my back
hasn't gone completely out on me.

07-09-2012, 11:11 PM
A couple of weeks ago my knee locked up. It has been years since it last locked rather than give it. It was my right knee and did it the step just before my slide. The ball went straight to the right gutter. With the momentum I was just glad I didn't go head over heels onto the lane.

07-10-2012, 12:27 AM
I hit a month where I was bowling 12 games per practice session twice a week. BUT then I hit a day where my knee and wrist started to really hurt. I still had league on Monday. So I cut back to only 6 to 9 games during practice. I still do three before the league starts on Mondays. It really sucks having a bad knee but to have my wrist start to hurt...That really made me slow down.

Sam, way to go on hitting between 130-150 all games, except the first game. What happened with that one?

07-10-2012, 12:44 AM
I changed from trying to play from the 5th arrow, and having a big hook, to going from the middle, and leaving into the pocket, was more consistant in strikes, I got 6 strikes in one game, 4 in a row, but the other 2 were somewhere scattered,
But that pesky 7 pin, still haven't found a consistant way to knock it down, I know it down like 1/10 trys....

J Anderson
07-10-2012, 08:37 AM
I changed from trying to play from the 5th arrow, and having a big hook, to going from the middle, and leaving into the pocket, was more consistant in strikes, I got 6 strikes in one game, 4 in a row, but the other 2 were somewhere scattered,
But that pesky 7 pin, still haven't found a consistant way to knock it down, I know it down like 1/10 trys....

Try taking one game each practice session to work on 7 pins. keep track of where you start, where you aim, where the ball actually went in reference to your aiming point, and where it hit the rack. From those balls that rolled over your target you get the information needed to make adjustments. For example, on target- ball goes in gutter just before the pin - move feet a board left or target a board right and try again. A little dedicated practice every time a the lanes should really help.

07-10-2012, 09:43 AM
To pick up then7 pin(for lefties) you need to stand all the way to the right, aim either the center arrow or one to the right of it. Flatten out your wrist or whatever you need to do to take some hook away from the throw and go across the lane. I have a ball that is difficult to curve based on the way it is set up and it works well for the 7 and 10pins(individually). Throwing at the arrows I mentioned gives the ball time to hook back a little for the 7 pin. I'll try to post a video of it this week. Would have over the weekend but was dealing with a computer problem.