
Entries with no category

  1. Little Things 1 - Preventive maintenance

    Preventive maintenance in bowling can mean different things to different bowlers, but essentially it simply means: Be prepared. Let's say the last time you went bowling your spare ball was cracked, or a grip fell out. Maybe the ball you keep polished was worn down by a recent tournament, and you notice the ball is shiny everywhere except your ball track.

    Preventive maintenance means that you don't let these things go unaddressed. They may seem small, but paying attention to them allows ...

    Updated 08-06-2009 at 12:48 AM by Graaille

  2. Lane Surfaces - an article by Kim Adler (part 2)


    There are many misconceptions about synthetic lanes, with the foremost being that synthetics are more difficult to play. That's not true. Again, more significant a factor in difficult lane play is the lane conditioner used, not the surface of the lane.

    Synthetic lanes are made with materials that vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. For example, Brunswick's are made with aluminum oxide dispersed in a fiber-reinforced mixture of melamine resin. ...
  3. Lane Surfaces - an article by Kim Adler (part 1)

    ONE OF THE TRUISMS IN bowling is that different surfaces lead to different ball reactions. You might think that bowling is as simple as a lane, a ball, and an approach, right? Not really--at least not nowadays.

    In this article, I will illustrate some differences between physical lane surfaces: wood, synthetic, and Guardian. This information can help you make better decisions when choosing a new ball, finishing your third game of league play, or starting a tournament in a new venue. ...
  4. Practice away from the Center helps too.

    Determine what drills and what you can work at when at home or not in the center, e.g. the Bill Hall articles a few years ago, the general theme was learning the game from the foul line back.

    Also, personally I have found that doing some of the approach drills and balance drills in my stocking feet have the additional bonus of making me more aware of balance and more importantly where my balance begins to wane! I kind of stumbled ( pun intended) on this. By the way, one of the Pittsburg ...
  5. To Feel the No Feel.

    This Feel thing is somewhat delicate, some say you want the feel of no feel. By that I think what is meant is the feel of a marriage of the natural forces of physics and the actions of a coordinated and skilled athlete with minimal to no interaction of the analytical mind.

    I've read and been taught and seen the premise of training that has the student perform the correct and incorrect actions, again this is to attune the part of your brain that allows you to walk up a familiar flight ...
  6. Basics of the 1 step drill

    I will try to briefly describe it for you. (you can even practice this at home, but do not try to slide). If you are at the lanes, you will only be taking one step (slide step), so you should set up just behind the foul line.

    Place your slide foot directly in front of your back foot (slide heel touching toe of back foot), with the back leg slightly bent (more than the slide leg). Your weight should be on the back leg, you should be able to lift your slide leg without losing balance. ...
  7. Relax and don't Try.

    I (and others) have noticed that bowlers during the 10 minutes of practice in league can throw strikes at will until they turn the scoring on. If you will notice, for most bowlers it is easy to throw strikes during the 10 minutes of practice, but all of the sudden it is much harder to get the ball to the pocket once scoring starts.

    I submit to you that the lanes have not change significantly to cause the problem but the bowler has. When we are bowling during the 10 minutes of practice ...
  8. Setting the Thumb per Bill Taylor/Rolf Gauger

    Here is a way to help you maintain the proper thumb positioning throughout the swing and release.

    Add or subtract tape appropriately ...

    In this so called "set" position in the hole, the base of the thumb is locked in place so it won't
    release too soon, in spite of being straight, yet when it does, it does so quickly, but not too early, which is exactly what's needed.

    To get an idea of what this should feel like, try this little test: ...
  9. PAP - how to find and why....

    The correct info as I know it (hehehehe)
    PAP is more determined by how you normally throw the ball than any type of drilling. The key to understanding is in the word *normally*. If you have to come more up the back, make a change in your axis tilt, come around the ball more, etc.... it will change your PAP.

    But as a rule of thumb, your PAP *based on your normal ball release* can be used to assist in laying out a ball to help it provide roll characteristics that you desire. ...
  10. In lieu of describing my highs/lows in bowling.....

    I've seen people write about how their practice sessions go, what they've learned, what they've worked on, etc..... which is all fine and dandy. But once upon a time I started work on a website for the sole purpose of archiving the tips/tricks/advice that I've learned from others simply so that I wouldn't have to keep it in short term memory as it were. However, with job changes that happened w/in the last year, I've not been able to keep up with that particular undertaking - plus it seems now ...
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