
Summertime Blues

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As we get into the dog days of August and as September nears, people start getting prepared for school. My wife and I are getting school supplies and shopping for new clothes for kids, getting my eldest signed up for his 1st year of college. Also making out our schedules of who's driving who where and what days to take off when there is no school.

So as that's all getting done there's some planning of my own going on and that's setting up my fall arsenal and getting my team together. Yes, after the long summer of hardly even picking up a bowling ball, the fall season is upon us. The bowling bug is back and I've been bitten...again.

September 14th can't come soon enough. But I'll enjoy the rest of the summer first.

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  1. extraacount's Avatar
    Haha so true... but for me, it's in a kid's perspective. After hearing the news of my old bowling center is going to open a new one right by me, I just can't wait to bowl again. It usually takes 45 minutes to go bowling, now it takes 5 minutes but the thing is it doesn't open untill school starts around september or mid-september. Plus I'm getting a new bowling ball this week. So I just can't wait to bowl @ the new center.
  2. Hogsharley's Avatar
    extraacount. It's great having a center so close. I can run up to mine, get 2-3 practice games in and be home within an hour.