
30 September 2009 - Dirty Dozen

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Well, Wednesday night was another struggle on the lanes. Again, I though I was going to do well at the start of the night. I opened up the 1st game by leaving a solid 9, and followed that up with a double. After that, I didn't find the pocket again until the 9th frame (where I got a pocket 7-10 split). Each game got a little bit better. I am attributing some of my struggles to the change in equipment weight (but not all of it). My scores don't show it, but I do feel like I am improving, and I am not going to let my current slump get me down. I still expect to get a strike every time I get on the approach, and I just need to keep working at it. I ended up bowling a 153, 179 and a 211 for a 543 series. My actual pin count (and the pins I left) can be viewed at

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