Ebonite man

League results 3/3/10

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Had a good night shooting 274, 233, and 248 for a 755. I know that 274 seems like an odd number, but I'll elaborate. The lanes were freshly oiled with a standard house pattern. I started the first game with my Ebonite NVS and strung the front 9. I was playing a 8 board out to 3 and I knew this line wouldn't hold up all night. Too bad the left lane decided to transition in the 10th frame. I thought I threw a pretty good shot and left the 2-8. I left the bucket on the fill ball giving the 274. After seeing the ball reaction in the previous frame and starting game 2 on the same lane, I decided to change to my Big One. This ball starts to roll earlier and should be better for fighting carry down. Sure enough, the next shot was flush playing the same line. This ball performed well until the 8th frame when I left a ringing 10 Considering my issues with converting the 10, I decided to move a couple boards left on the approach to give a bigger angle. This did the trick as I made every one that I left on the night. The very next frame I left a flat 10. It was time to make another move. I decided to move in a bit deeper with more loft and this fix worked for the rest of the night.

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