Ebonite man

League results for 3/24/10

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With the season winding down and my team way out of contention, it figures I would have one of my best nights of the season. Since it was position night, we were way down on the right side of the house. I was hoping to be on the end pair of 39-40, but we ended up on 37-38. I've done pretty well on this pair too averaging about 225. This night boosted the average with games of 258, 246,246 for a 750. The heads were fairly slick so I thought the NVS would be a good ball to start with. It became apparent during practice that this ball wasn't going long enough and the backends were really moving. I switched to the Total NV which worked all night. I only missed the pocket once all night leaving a 3-10 split midway through the second game (got slow with the speed, but hit the mark). The only other leaves I had were the 7 pin twice on light swishers, 4 10 pins, and a ripping 7-10split. A couple of those go down and 800 was a distinct possibility.
One week to go- next week only a sweeper week for those of us not bowling for the league title.

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