Ebonite man

League results for 3/31/10

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With the season coming to a close and only sweeper and prize money to shoot for, this night was pretty anticlimatic. Of course the house decides to put fresh oil down on a night which is meaningless. This was only the second time all season that they did this and my first game showed it. I tried my normal 12 out to 6 belly with the NVS, but the heads were just too slick to get the ball back. After fanning a 10 pin and leaving a 2-8-10 split, I sat at 36 in the 3rd frame. A more direct line was needed to get good carry and angle. I went to a straight up 6 board with a bit more speed and this seemed to be the answer. After a rough start, I salvaged a 170. Over the course of the next 2 games, I gradually moved left with my feet keeping the same target as the heads began to dry out. I ended with a 222 and 237 for a 629 series and 221 ending average. This was my best season despite having inconsistent lane conditions week to week as well as within pair differences (sometimes as much as 8-10 boards). Looking forward to the offseason practice as well as possibly a PBA regional event.

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