Ebonite man

Off season practice 1

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Decided to go practice at a house I haven't been in for over 10 years. The last time I was there, the lanes were still wood! Started with my normal 12 to 6 line with the NVS. The ball started hooking before it hit the arrows Did this house strip and forget to reoil? Made a big move left standing at about 25 targeting 20 out to 5. This still didn't make that much difference with the ball going Brooklyn. Good thing I still have my old pearl Rhino that I use for 10 pins. Moved to a standing at 20 with a 15 to 6 target line. This worked for about 1 1/2 games. The lanes actually started to show signs of carrydown with little oil there actually was. Made another radical move left standing at about 30 targeting 20 out to 7 line with the Total NV. This shot held up for the rest of the practice session. What an experience this was.As a stroker with a fairly low rev rate, I have never had to play this deep before on any condition I have encountered. The PBA Shark can play deep like this, but I usually shoot it straight up 10 board with high surface. The house I bowl league in never has the lanes this dry, so it was a bit of a challenge. I'll be heading back to this house for a company outing in a couple of weeks, so we'll see how they play then. Next week- the PBA Viper pattern.

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