Ebonite man

Off season practice 2

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Went to the company outing last Friday to the same house I had practiced in a few weeks ago where the conditions were bone dry. We had lanes 1-16 and I decided to go down on the far left (lane 2) in search of some oil. My search turned out to be fruitless, since the shot was still very dry. I wasn't playing quite as deep standing at 22 and targeting 17 out to about 12 with the Total NV. Anything that went out past 10 was out of bounds and came in very high. Either this house doesn't oil in the morning, or the shot is set up to play deep like this all the time. Shot a 641 which isn't bad considering this is a line that is way out of my comfort zone. I used to bowl a league in this house about 15 years ago and I don't remember the shot being this dry. Of course, the lanes were wood back then so I guess it's like comparing apples to oranges. After we finished, I see the guy bring out the lane conditioner. Wish I had the chance to see what they would have been like with fresh oil. Well, looks like I won't be coming back to this house until next year's outing. Next practice session will be on a more "normal" house pattern at a nearby Brunswick Zone. I've got to use up these 30 free games I got during the past season!

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