Ebonite man

House pattern practice

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Went to my home house on a Saturday morning for some practice on freshly oiled and stripped lanes. My league normally bowls on lanes 27-40, so being put on 11-12 was a pair I wasn't familiar with. The shot seemed to play slicker than usual and this confirmed some of the things I had been hearing about this side of the house. I played more straight up than in league shooting at 6 board with my Total NV. This ball seems to be performing better lately than my NVS over the last month or so. It's probably time to unclog the pores on the NVS. Had a decent practice shooting 1010 for 5 games, although the 10 pin remains a problem having missed 3 out of 8 on the day. I'm beginning to think it may be a feel issue since the old Rhino doesn't have a thumb plug while every other ball I have does. Still haven't drilled the new T-Zone yet, but plan to have it ready to go after vacation ( I need all the cash I've got). Also plan to get a C-System 2.5 for the 10-11 season. This will be a replacement for my Big One. Only 19 weeks until the start of next season! Until next week-------

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