Ebonite man

Off season practice 5/19/10

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Went to a nearby Brunswick Zone for some house shot practice on my lunchbreak. This house is not my home house, but I have bowled league here before. I started with my usual line of 12 out to 6 with my Total NV. My NVS has not been performing as well, so thought the NV would be a good choice. The ball went Brooklyn on both lanes, so I moved in. What is it with the houses in this area? The other house I had my company outing in also played deep. Must be the preferred shot for the area. Moved to a 17 out to 6 line and this seemed to be the answer. I got locked in very quickly on the left lane as my next 13 of 14 were strikes. The right lane played a couple of boards tighter and was the challenge. If I got too firm with the shot, the ball came in light every time. If I swung it out wide, it came in high. The right lane played very similiar to the PBA Scorpion pattern without the outside oil. Shot 1280 for the 6 game block which wasn't too bad. Spare shooting was much better this session, even though I did whiff the usual 10 pin. Had a low game of 197 and high game of 233, so not too much spread in the scores. Haven't gotten the C-System 2.5 yet, but plan to do so soon. I think the NVS will be hitting the showers. Looking to do some PBA pattern practice either next week or the week after on the Scorpion. Until then--------

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