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Practice- on vacation?

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Spent the weekend in Wisconsin Dells at the Kalahari Resort which houses a 24 lane center within their indoor theme park. Decided to throw a few games while the wife was at the spa. To my surprise, there was no one in the place, so I got fresh oil with stripped back ends. Tried a 15 out to 7 line with my NV. This ball did come in to the pocket, but did not hit strong enough. Decided to give the NVS another try. After having issues with the reaction of the NVS lately, I was not confident it would fare much better. The ball snapped off the breakpoint like a truck!? Maybe keeping my bag in the car for the last few weeks (it's been pretty hot lately) bled off some of the oil. During the six game block, I left 2 solid 8s and 2 soild 9s, not something I have seen from this ball since it was new. It has made me reconsider buying a new ball. The Mutant Cell Pearl was going to be the replacement, but I may just try and bake the NVS some more. Shot 1287 for the block, so all in all a pretty good session with no real issues. I also have been covering the 10 pin much better lately still using the old pearl Rhino. Going to take a few weeks off since I sprained my right ankle a couple of nights ago. Hope to be able to go by the end of July. Really-- who sprains their ankle on vacation Just my luck lately. Until next time----------------------

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