Ebonite man

New ball

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Did pull the trigger and bought the Mutant Cell Pearl last week. Still waiting for delivery, hopefully today. May add a C-System 4.5 to the arsenal as well. This is the latest and greatest from Brunswick and from what I have seen, it performs very well on broken down longer patterns. The ankle has been feeling almost back to normal, but now I am getting over pnemonia (what luck I've been having lately). Haven't hit the lanes since the vacation, but will once the T-Zone and Mutant Cell are drilled. I don't plan on getting rid of the NVS or NV, but will retire them for a while. Since the house shot my league bowls on has a heavier volume on the outside, the Mutant Cell may allow me to swing the ball out more. Next practice session will be at my home house on the house shot so I can get used to the Mutant Cell reaction.

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