Ebonite man

New arsenal practice

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Finally got out and threw the Virtual Energy and Mutant Cell. All I can say is what a difference. The Storm by far outhooks the Mutant Cell even though the layouts are similar. I had to stand 7 boards left of my normal shot versus the Ebonite equipment and target 5 boards left at the arrows. The Storm skids very well through the heads and makes a violent move on the backend. Having lower revs and a relatively slow ball speed made controlling the breakpoint very critical. It took me 2 games before I got the reaction of the Virtual Energy down where I was comfortable. The Mutant Cell is a bit more forgiving but doesn't skid through the heads quite as far. This ball would probably be a better choice for lanes that have transitioned during league play. I can see the Virtual Energy being the ball of choice in a tournament where the heads are heavier. All in all, I can see this upcoming season having a potential for big scores. I left very few 10 pins with the Virtual Energy, and of the few I left, these were ringing 10s. I also noticed that if I didn't hit the ball quite as hard as I would have liked, the 10 still carried. Normally, with the NV or NVS, those shots would have left weak 10s. Another plus with this ball- it makes me play much deeper than I normally would. Not too many guys in my league play this deep, so I expect less issues with transition. Well, first week of the season is coming up on Sept. 1st, so I'll see how things go then.

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