Ebonite man

2010/2011 Week 1 results

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Well, my worst fears came true as I had a horrific night. The lane condition was pretty typical compared to last season with the usual transition occuring mid way through the 2nd game. The ball reaction was not good, overreacting on some shots leaving huge splits or underreacting leaving soft 10s. This was most likely due to subtle changes in ball speed. When I did hit the pocket with good speed, I left ringing 10s and 1 ripping 7-10 split. I didn't count how many 10 pins I left, but I would say it was in the 10-12 ballpark. One positive thing that did occur last night was my spare shooting. I made every 10 pin (that's very rare) only missing one easy spare (slid by a 7 pin). I even managed to convert a strange split, the 3,4,6,10. So, after one week, my average stands at 178 (535 series). Can't wait to hear the grief I'm going to get next week, especially if I throw the normal 650 series. Looks like the old Ebonite equipment is going to be the way to go for the rest of the season. The Big One and NV were the top performers for me last season, so I will stick with the tried and true. I guess the only way things can go are up. Until then--------

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