Ebonite man

Week 2 pregame

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After last week's debacle, the Virtual Energy and Mutant Cell will be reserved for tournament play and shots with heavier oil. The house pattern I bowl on just isn't heavy enough to get a consistent ball reaction. Based on my numbers from last season, it looks like the best ball for the house is the Big One. It seems to carry the 10 pin the best and has a very steady back end reaction. We'll see how it performs tomorrow night. The question is what pair I will be on. If I'm down on the right side (37-40), this ball will do quite well. The league got a bit bigger this year, so we have 25-26 as an additional pair. This pair has been by far the slickest of the bunch and may warrant a shot with the Storm, though I would probably stick with the NVS. I'd be happy shooting anything better than 620.

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