Ebonite man

week 3 results

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Thought the growing pains might be over after last week's results. How wrong I was this week. I was on the end pair 39-40 which historically showed that 39 was about 5 boards tighter than 40. This was again the case and I started with the Virtual Energy playing a 8-3 line. By the end of the first game, I had to make a move 3 boards left on the approach with the same target at the arrows. This didn't last long and I had to move another 2 boards left. That's when all hell broke loose. Left a pocket 4-10 to start the second game and this set the tone. My carry went down the tubes as well leaving 3 straight ringing 10s of which I missed 2. Tried to play a straighter line and left a 4-6-7. Ended up shooting my worst score in this league (5 years) with a 139. Seeing as the Virtual Energy was way too strong for this condition, decided to play my original 8-3 line with the Mutant Cell. This ball pounded the pocket and I shot a 245 (what a difference!). I guess the lesson learned here is the Mutant Cell performs much better on a shot that has already transitioned and the Virtual Energy is a good choice for a fresh heavier pattern. Hope for better results next week.

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