
To Feel the No Feel.

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This Feel thing is somewhat delicate, some say you want the feel of no feel. By that I think what is meant is the feel of a marriage of the natural forces of physics and the actions of a coordinated and skilled athlete with minimal to no interaction of the analytical mind.

I've read and been taught and seen the premise of training that has the student perform the correct and incorrect actions, again this is to attune the part of your brain that allows you to walk up a familiar flight of stairs in seemingly automatic fashion, it's the same part that allows you to walk, chew gum, breathe et al without conscious effort or contemplation. It's a way of getting that sensory hologram of you in the physical world.

Dr. Dean Hinitz usually mentions several sources, Bob Summerville did. Out of print sources can sometimes be acquired as used copied via the web or local purveyors of used books. Don't limit your pursuit of ideas to bowling text per se. Try reading something like "Body Mind Mastery" By Dan Millman for example.

Personally, the few times I've risen to mediocrity, I've approached that FEEL of NO FEEL. I've always made the mistake of trying to catch the lightening in a bottle and thus gotten stuck in the old Chinese Handcuffs. It's a touchy feely topic ...

Smooth is something that can't be faked. Smooth is not fluff, it is the efficient generation and use of energy.

As I said it can be very delicate, if your mind is looking for the feel, you run the risk of manipulation, if you manipulate you run the risk of mangling your approach, at the minimum, conscious intervention will most likely lead to inconsistency. While easy conditions will abate the affects of the inconsistency, they will show under tougher conditions and depending on how you react to pressure, they will most likely manifest themselves even more.

I can remember hearing Norm Duke's reply to a question asked in an interview. "What do you work on when you practice Norm?" His reply, "Fundamentals, what else is there?" How many times have you seen Norm going through his hand motion, or some other segment of his game when not actually bowling?

Our subconscious brain is geared to survival, it does not know what you want to do, it will always strive to keep you in balance, it does not care about strikes and spares, but it can and should be trained to respond and perform things that have been repeated and repeated and repeated.

Mike Marshall a noted MLB pitcher of years ago used a phrase 'kinesic intelligence' (Mike was and is a Kinesiologist, he was also the best relief pitcher in the business in his heyday). Just we all have varying aptitudes for Math, or word skills or auto mechanics, so do we all with athletics.
We all learn via our senses, some have more of a gift for implementing the desired action faster, but we all can improve with a proper plan coupled with desire and dedication.

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