
Practice away from the Center helps too.

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Determine what drills and what you can work at when at home or not in the center, e.g. the Bill Hall articles a few years ago, the general theme was learning the game from the foul line back.

Also, personally I have found that doing some of the approach drills and balance drills in my stocking feet have the additional bonus of making me more aware of balance and more importantly where my balance begins to wane! I kind of stumbled ( pun intended) on this. By the way, one of the Pittsburg Steelers does a series of workouts barefoot, he mentioned that this helps his balance, so at least there are two such nuts ;o)

This touches on another important thing and that is honing your balance, not only via technique but by drills. There is one called the flamingo, Dr Briggs wrote about this in an earlier BTM when he was a regular writer, in fact the edition might have a flamingo on the cover. I think Susie covered that too. This is from my Teflon coated memory, but the drill is real and effective, that is no fabrication. Also, as the drills become easier, see what (with due care) you can do with your eyes closed!

Only practice when the body and mind are fresh and amenable to the task. DO NOT FORCE YOUR SELF WHEN PHYSICALLY TIRED, OR NOT MENTALLY FOCUSED AND WILLING !!. This can result in several negative effects.

How long to practice depends on you but my caveat DO NOT, probably applies to most of us. Again, give it some thought, again learn about you and what works well and what not so well for you.

Though I should avoid negative expressions -
DO NOT discount the value of the one step drill.
DO NOT discount the value of the Blind shot drill.

"We have no friends, we have no enemies, we only have teachers"

Dan Millman

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