
Wednesday night league finale week

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This is it the last week of the league and I go into it in 2nd place 2 points behind but with a much greater pin tally.

Practice goes well with a run of 5 strikes and picking up all my spares in fact practice is so good that I feel this could be my night.

Now we start and it is a fair start picking up a couple of spares but then it is down hill, I miss a 9 pin, then I have a couple of splits and I struggle to get a 133 and no surprises I lost.

On to the second game and this is better start with a strike then a three spares then a couple of strikes, then a split, but this time I keep it together and finish with a much better 180 and 2 points, so I am still in with a chance as I am told that the I am not the only one that has dropped points and that both top and 3rd have lost a game.

3rd game and again I start with a strike and a couple of spares but I start to push it and I push it too hard and I end up having 3 splits in a row and my game goes down as I try harder to pick up and I end with a 138 and again I lost two points.

My 180 helped me get 2 points for series as my 451 is enough for the 2 points, this gives me a total of 4 points but not enough as I slip to 3rd place.

I am still happy with that as this was my first try in a singles league and it proved that I can hold my own. So now it is on to the fun bowl and presentation and me getting my third place .

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