
New league format ideas

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Our competitive match point trios league is trying to attract more bowlers. Up for vote this month is the Peterson Point System (PPS). The PPS is different because there are no match points to be won and the points you and your team earn carry over every week. This system works really well because every single pin counts during the season and virtually eliminates sandbagging.

When you bowl in a PPS, you bowl againist the whole league, not just one team every week. For every 50 pins (incls hdcp pins) you get 1 point.

Included in the weekly dues, the league is also putting out weekly prizes for high series every week. Those winners will get paid every week and not have to wait until the end of a long season to see their winnings.

Some league members are against it because there are no match points. Some don't want to see the weekly handicap series pots. They rather it all be in the prize fund. Some are just afraid of change. I say lets give it a try.

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