
Preventing injuries while bowling

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For anyone who bowls preventing injuries should always be on all bowlers minds as they walk into an alley. I see bowlers who will lace up and then sit down until shadow play begins and then toss the ball down the lane as if he's already played 3 games. This is how injuries can occur.

I have a small but so far effective routine prior to bowling. I first will stretch my back and legs. Deep knee bends work great on the legs. For me, those are the most troublesome areas. I then will make sure that my thumb does not get hung up because my thumb tends to shrink while bowling. Then with my hand in the ball I'll swing the ball like a pendulum to loosen up my arm and shoulders.

At that point I'm pretty loose but before I even throw a ball, I'll check my slide on the approaches. You never know who was on them before you.

So everything is A OK and now I can finally start tossing but I only throw the 1st one or two balls at half speed and gradually work up from there. By the time it's my turn to bowl, I'm loose and I'm not afraid of getting an injury. It's worked good so far for me that I've never missing a game due to injury in the last 9 years.

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