The Second Time Around

Acquiring the equipment...

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I decided to go to the only Pro Shop in town that's open on Sundays to check out their stuff. I decided to buy Dexter shoes, a 2 ball roller and an Ebonite Maxim for a spare ball, and then order my main ball an Ebonite Evolve online. I chose the shoes and the bag and got my hand measured. The pro shop owner marked up the ball and prepared to drill it, I was watching him through the window. He made the hole for the ring finger and everything looked great. Then he was working on making the whole for the middle finger when the drill malfunctioned and the drill bit came off of the machine and created a horrible scratch and sideways hole into the ball.

He came out and apologized and explained what happened and that they don't have any more Maxims of the color I chose in 15 lbs so they will have to order another one and he will call me up Wednesday or Thursday once he has it. I wasn't too heart broken since I wasn't planning on taking the stuff out for a spin until my strike ball arrives and is ready to go also, needless to say I'm taking it to a different shop to get drilled just in case. I'll be ordering the Evolve tonight with 2 day shipping so it should be here Wednesday and at the latest I should be playing my first few practice games next weekend.

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