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About booger_t4h

Basic Information

About booger_t4h
Hubert, NC
I work hard and Love to Bowl. I've been back into it for a year now after a 14 yr lay-off
Concrete Mixer Driver
My Bowling Stats and Info
Bowling Style:
Somewhere between Tweener and Cranker (Twanker?)
Right or Left handed:
Bowling Ball Brand You Use:
Roto Grip
Bowling Ball(s) Weight:
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Last Activity
12-20-2009 10:46 AM
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Recent Entries

Last chance warm-up

by booger_t4h on 08-30-2009 at 11:55 AM
Well, this afternoon will be my last chance warm-up with a 9-pin tournament, before my leagues start. My daughter's Summer leagues just ended yesturday. Her team took 3rd. I am so proud. Now I get to start mine again. I can't wait. Is it Monday yet!? :D So if anyone in the area of Cape Carteret, NC and looking to bowl today... @ 4:00 pm @ MacDaddy's $20. See You there.

My new ball

by booger_t4h on 08-11-2009 at 12:41 AM
I just got my new ball drilled on Saturday. I was looking for something that I could through the heads and down the lane. I found it! I no longer have to use my spare ball on dry lane conditions due to my Rev Rate. I just got my Roto-Grip Mars drilled 2.25" above my fingers. and man, it got down the lane and still had plenty of comeback to the pocket. I Love Roto-Grip. I can't wait for this next fall league to start up so I can see exactly what it can do from week to week.

New look to the USBC site

by booger_t4h on 08-05-2009 at 05:36 PM
I've been looking at the updated USBC web stie @ [URL=""][/URL] and I like the new look. But, there are still alot of glitches. Well, I hope they are giltches. I can't seem to access News stories from even a week ago. it's like there gone. The videos keep starting new videos (on their own) right in the middle of another video. Does anyone else seem to be having issues with the NEW UPDATED site? :confused:

Hello nc bowlers

by booger_t4h on 08-04-2009 at 05:08 PM
Hello. I have been back in bowling after a 17 year lay-off. Which means High School. It's been awhile. I am getting ready to start my second fall season. I bowled on a Tuesday night mixed and a Monday night Sport league. And my Monday Night Sport league is going to be a sanctioned PBA Experience league this next September. I was just wondering if anyone else is backawords like me? What i mean is... My monday night Ave is about 10-15 pins higher than my Mixed league (wich is on a house shot)?

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