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Thread: I can't win

  1. #1
    Ringer RoccoRock's Avatar
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    Default I can't win

    I've posted on multiple threads about how I am in between styles, and it seams every time I am set on one style something changes. Well, here we go again. I was set on going back to one hand no thumb. It's the style I've used most over the last two plus years, and I've done well with it. Then, last night after bowling only two games, my wrist was killing me. It's the one thing I feared with that style, and the reason I considered dropping to 14 pounds. Because you have to cup it so much, and the weight if the ball is almost exclusively in the hand, it's very taxing. I tried using my forarm more, and that causes consistency issues, and I have to cup my hand even more, so it doesn't help. So basically, as usual, the one thing I was set one, I can't do anymore. I bowled a few games with my thumb in, my wrist felt much better. The biggest problem is my best score was only as good as my league average. My buddy is sitting there telling me how good it looks, and it looks smoother and I should stick with that. I bowled a 103 at one point. I just can't get the hang of it. Then of course I tried going back to two handed, 223, 191, 234, 173, 197, 221. Don't know what to do, keep trying to force myself to do something I'm not good at, with hopes that I get better someday fairly soon, or go with something that I know I can do well, and hope to not have physical issues any time soon. To be clear, I've never had pain, at all from two handing. I know a lit of you have already given me the advise, and it's on other threads, I'm kind of just venting a little. At this point I know I am on my own, and I can't always listen to what people say. Just frustrated right now.

  2. #2
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    I'll say this, You have to commit to one style or the other. You'll never have consistency jumping back and forth between styles.

    If one style is causing you pain, then the choice has been made for you.

    If that choice is bowling using your thumb in the ball, Then You need to stick with and practice at it.

    Plus work on the mental game! If you sit there thinking you'll do bad or be in a big rush to improve, You will do bad.

    Go into with a attitude that you will work hard, practice and succeed and if it takes time so be it. Work at it , don't try to rush it and improvement will come.

    Norm Duke on the Mental Game
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    Another part of developing my mental game was recognizing that I have weaknesses. I learned a long time ago that you can practice for two or three hours on something that you’re very good at, but you will improve very little. If you want to improve quicker, you should take something that you really stink at and dedicate resources to that weakness and make it your advantage. Keep an open mind so that you can actually recognize your weaknesses because sometimes they’re not easy to find unless you’re looking for them.
    Last edited by bowl1820; 08-08-2012 at 02:09 PM.

    Right handed Stroker, high track ,about 13 degree axis tilt. PAP is located 5 9/16” over 1 3/4” up.Speed ave. about 14 mph at the pins. Medium rev’s.High Game 300, High series 798

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  3. #3
    Ringer RoccoRock's Avatar
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    I know my mental game is getting better. In the past, when thing went bad in a game, they went horrible, and I never recovered. I never could bowl a 200+ game after bowling a sub average game. Recently, I've been able to slow down, figure out what wrong, and get on track. That's one of the things that bugs me about using my thumb. I know I can do it, I know how to do it, I feel comfortable, so why do I stink. The shop pro even told me, I look good doing it, and if I can just get my thumb clear in every shot I'll be fine. I had no issues with my thumb last night, at least that I noticed. But again, I started spraying the ball all over, missing easy spares, and my hook totally went away. I'll keep working on it for the rest of this month, and see where I'm at. For now, I'll use two handed as a last resort, if I "need" to score. I think no matter what, unless I want my wrist to hurt for the rest of my life, one hand no thumb is out.

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    Ringer RoccoRock's Avatar
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    I'm thinking of giving in, and getting a wrist positioning device. It couldn't hurt right now. They just look sooooo goofy, then again so does bowling with two hands lol.

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    Ringer RoccoRock's Avatar
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    So I just got back fom a quick practice. 4 games, all thumb in, aside from a few spares. First two games 149, 157. At the end of the second game I noticed something. I'm getting more revs, and my ball is hooking more. So, I move in two boards, 217, 269. Now that's an encouraging practice. Game three I started with a split, then 6 straight strikes, then another split. Then went spare spare strike for the finish. Game four, statted by hitting flush, left the 10 pin. Picked it up two handed, then 4 strikes, another flush 10 pin, picked it up two handed again, then ran the table. My second best game ever, and every ball was in the pocket. Now, can I even come close to doing that again next time I practice.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoccoRock View Post
    So I just got back fom a quick practice. 4 games, all thumb in, aside from a few spares. First two games 149, 157. At the end of the second game I noticed something. I'm getting more revs, and my ball is hooking more. So, I move in two boards, 217, 269. Now that's an encouraging practice. Game three I started with a split, then 6 straight strikes, then another split. Then went spare spare strike for the finish. Game four, statted by hitting flush, left the 10 pin. Picked it up two handed, then 4 strikes, another flush 10 pin, picked it up two handed again, then ran the table. My second best game ever, and every ball was in the pocket. Now, can I even come close to doing that again next time I practice.
    If you did it once you can do it again, and eventually you'll do it when it counts!

  7. #7
    Bowling God billf's Avatar
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    The angle is so different between the three styles. Is there a possibility that you were playing the wrong line with your thumb in all along? Given how that practice went, I know you can do it and do it extremely well. Confidence is a huge part of the game and it seems as though you doubt your ability thumb in.
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    Quote Originally Posted by billf View Post
    The angle is so different between the three styles. Is there a possibility that you were playing the wrong line with your thumb in all along? Given how that practice went, I know you can do it and do it extremely well. Confidence is a huge part of the game and it seems as though you doubt your ability thumb in.
    Actualy, the line I played today was similar to the line I usualy play with no thumb, and two handed. I think it was the combination of the stronger ball, the bigger thumb hole which I really liked, and more revs so I can get a little more hook. Also, I moved my starting postion back about a step, but mad sure that I kept my pace. I think it made for a longer, but more controled and solid slide. I think it also made my timing with my arm swing better. I'll post the video soon, and you guys can pick it apart. I felt good, and I think next time I go out (probably Friday) that it will be solid. I don't so much as doubt myself with my thumb in, but I am always dissapointed with the results.
    Last edited by RoccoRock; 08-08-2012 at 08:03 PM.
    Trying not to suck, one day at a time.

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    Sorry for the crappy quality, and terrible angle. It's from my phone propped up by my sneakers.
    Trying not to suck, one day at a time.

  10. #10


    I'm not qualified enough to speak of the technical aspects but the first thing I noticed was that you wipe your hands after every shot but you never wiped the ball. You really need to make this part of your pre-shot routine. Today's balls soak up a
    Lot of oil and not wiping between every shot will change the ball reaction in an inconsistent manner. A clean ball is one less variable to worry about. Other than that it looks good to me. You can't argue with results.
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