A Review from Tony Ruocco

Make the smart choice... go with the Storm IQ bowling ball if you want the highest scores!

Pin to PAP(5 1/8" over 1/8" up) - 5 1/8"
PSA Layout - 5 1/8" x 6" x 2 3/4"
Balance Hole - n/a

Surface Preparation - Out of Box (3000 grit Abralon)

What I Was Looking For In This Ball Layout:
With Storm's release of the IQ and IQ Tour at the same time we wanted to see the actual difference in the ball motions without the layout being a factor.

I kept the layout very simple placing the pin 5 1/8" from my PAP just above my ring finger and using a smoother placement for the cg keeping the ball from over reacting and really letting me see the way the ball rolls.

What I Ended Up With in the Ball and Layout:
I really enjoyed this ball motion from Storm. The Master line has been dominated by the Marvel series for the last couple of seasons and those were always great ball releases. Saying that, I think the release of the IQ series will fit the bowlers as whole more. I see this ball motion as the motion that everyone wants to see. It is plenty strong enough to combat heavier oil conditions but it remains smooth throughout the lane so that you can see where the ball is reading the pattern or not reading the pattern.

With the IQ I had about 4-5 boards room to miss and the ball just read the friction perfectly and adjusted to the miss. When I got it right a little early it checked up sooner but stayed controllable down lane and blew the pins out. When I would tug it just a bit you would see it skid a little further but just come screaming back down lane as as strong as anything we have thrown recently.

I think the two ball introduction in this series is a perfect call from Storm and that bowlers of all skill levels will enjoy the motion this series will offer.

To learn more about the Storm IQ visit bowlingball.com.