Quote Originally Posted by panbanger View Post
Constantly telling you what to do, you mean like how to bowl? You could try telling him that you don't like to make adjustments during league, only during practice. Something like that maybe? I guess try to imagine that in his head he's trying to help you, maybe that will make it easier to take all his talking.
Yeah, where to aim, how far to move, etc... you name it, he's got something to say. He set up the lineup and had me bowling first. I took my turn on the left lane and when it was my turn on the right lane, I went ahead and took it before the rest of the team had finished on the left. He didn't like that and told me to wait until we were all done on the left before moving to the right and vice versa. Not wanting to cause a stir, I did what he said, but we were the last team finished bowling... it took over three hours to bowl our three games. Its a wonder the other team didn't get upset.

I'll definitely take billf's advice and tell him that I don't like to make adjustments during the games, and maybe that'll get him to shut up. I also intend to pick the pace back up, as well. I hate bowling slow.