people ask me whats that crazy looking awsome colour ball you using i tell them its my new fringe from storm.also the smell is yummy fringe is probably one of the most balls i have in the bag that i can use to really open then lane up with tons of backend motion when they are starting to brake down and need to get inside the pattern and needed a ball to play there.when i first drilled my fringe it was kind of skiddy out of box.and for me i got some good rev rate around 500rpm plus got axis what i did with my fringe was i hit it on a storm factory machine with a 3000 abaron pad just enought to brake the cover in and laid it out 5-1\2 by 51\2 ball cleans front part of the lane with ease and tons of backend and i mean like crazy angle backend.i used this ball in august to win a tourny and i used this ball the hole day it was if you bowlers are looking for some good backend reaction drill a fringe you will love it .