A couple weeks ago I went bowling with my brother who is pretty good, and is getting back into bowling from a long hiatus, and I didn't do too bad for having to roll a house ball..

First off, I couldn't find a ball in the place that fit me comfortably at all, (go figure) so I settled for some old Brunswick with finger grips that were too tight, and a thumbhole that was close, well at least the span was somewhat close.. My first game is my first game for approx. 10 years I'd say, so I wasn't really unhappy, and the other 2 games I was paying more attention to helping my 4 and 6 year olds bumper bowl on the other lane to even care about how good or bad I was doing.. I feel like if I can be that carefree from now on, bowling is going to be way more fun this time around.. Very happy about that.