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Thread: Greenday's Scores

  1. #31


    Tuesday 6/11/13 - 160, 278, 201, 200 for a 839 four game set (209.75 average). Very frustrating night. First to throw a practice ball, lane blacked out. We wait...and wait...and wait...Finally they tell us to switch to lanes 9 and 10. We walk all the way down the alley (We were on 31-32) and they have my ball waiting for me there. The freaking lane chipped my IQ Tour Pearl between the finger holes. Unbelievable. I brought it to the front desk and told the guy what happened. He said to leave it with them and they'd fix it. We didn't get any practice time because of the wait and the move. I had trouble figuring out the lanes. Normally I play a straight down and in approach but the lanes were lighter oil. Moved a board in at the arrows, bounced it outside and I finally started finding the pocket.

    Second game, I get strikes in the first four frames and that's when I knew I had something special going on. Fifth strike, I felt like this would definitely be my first 300. My teammates stopped talking to me, but then the chatty guy on the other team started talking to me about 300s and stuff (What a douche). Strike, strike, strike. Eight down. Ninth frame, I miss inside and my Frantic just didn't hold enough. Hit super high pocket and left the 4-7. I wanted to cry. Picked it up, struck out in the tenth for that 278. I felt devastated.

  2. #32


    Wednesday 6/12/13 - 193, 248, 173 for a 612. Another night on the right path. The sad part is I felt I was rolling the ball better in the third game than the first. Again felt like I could have done so much better but as my coach said, I need to take this into perspective. I'm averaging upper 190s and I decided to take bowling seriously about eight months ago. That's very impressive as it is and I need to be proud of how far I've come in such a short time.

  3. #33


    Haven't posted on this thread lately.

    Tough night Tuesday. No matter what line I played, I wasn't getting strikes.

    Tonight? 225, 225, 225. Brings my average in my doubles league to 201.5. I did it! Got my average over 200!

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