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Thread: CoachKapps Scores

  1. #21


    Yuck. 202, 193, 170.

    Managed to pull 6 shots Brooklyn. Only struck 38% and left opens in 10th in two games. Lost by one first game and a few the last. Practiced after for 6 games and figured a few things out. My buddy saw some things. Apparently I was rushing, setting down early, pulling because of early timing, and falling off my shot a bit too. I practiced staying down at the line and posting up and also getting the ball out the to the right and I had success. Oh why do I always do this!! I practice and then lose my focus or forget what I learn when league starts. I just tense up and lose my 'feeling.'

  2. #22


    Practiced Friday night. Lots of great games and awesome spare shooting. I sure hope I can continue this into league Wed. Posted shot, slowed WAY down on set up and approach. Feel so much better. Not that it matters, but 220 average for 12 games of practice. Making those pesky 10's finally cuz I'm slowing down.

  3. #23


    149, 157, 236 in Wed League.

  4. #24


    After 5 weeks of sub 6's (585, 594, 565, 542, 464 yuck!) I managed a 606 (199, 209, 198) and 677 (213, 237, 227)!! I feel like I'm back after struggling big-time. My problem was I kept leaning too far forward and dropping it. Now I'm trying to keep my shoulders back a little and lead with my ring finger. It's helping me get the ball out to the right on both strike shots and spares.

    Whew! What a relief!

  5. #25


    Wow! What a difference a new (used) Defiant has over an old burnt up one. I've had my Defiant for a few years and have hundreds of games on it (prolly like 200+). I bought a used one from my pro shop and it's only got a few games on it. I threw 220, 226, 245, 225, 211, 203, 231, 215 with it right off the shelf! Incredible the difference in the hook and reaction. My old one has been used and resurfaced so much that it doesn't read the lanes the same as this one.

    Now I'm trying to decide if I want a hybrid version of the Defiant. I've got a few pearls and a Frantic. I like the weight block in this Defiant. We'll see....

  6. #26


    Wed league...208, 214, 224, 235 = 881

    Yesterday practice, 10 games, 206 ave including 279 w front 9! 10th was a 9 pin!

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