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Thread: MOTIV Raptor Talon

  1. #1

    Default MOTIV Raptor Talon


    The Raptor Talon by Motiv is the latest high performance ball to come out. Bowlers This Month or BTM labeled this ball as an “oil monger” and they were not lying. This ball is a beast when it hits the lane; oil and the pins do not stand a chance when the Raptor Talon is rolling down the lane. The Raptor Talon features Motiv’s proven low RG Predator core that revs easy down the lane that produces a massive track flare and then you combine that with the new Fusion Solid Reactive shell, The Raptor Talon starts to hook and never stops. Only thing that stops the bowling ball is the pin decks. If you want a ball that hooks that is very controllable and hits the pins with such authority then this is the ball for you, the Raptor Talon by Motiv.

    15# SPECS: RG: 2.46, DIFF: .060


    What can I say but what BTM said about the Raptor Talon is true, this beast is an oil monger. What I love about this ball is I finally have something that I can get through the heads on any oil condition because the Raptor Talon is just so dominate in oil, it’s like oil can’t stop this ball from crushing the pocket and that’s not my favorite part about this ball. My favorite part about this ball is no matter where you stand on the lane, this ball never quits. The continuation that the Raptor Talon brings is just something I have never seen in a bowling ball. In other words, this ball never quits and still has authority to blast all ten in the pit. If you want a ball that hooks and never quits, then the Raptor Talon is the ball for you.

    Likes: How control the hook is, hitting power, best continuation ball I have ever own.

    Dislikes: none

    I recommend this ball for all types and style bowlers. Low and medium rev players can be able to throw this ball for all three games on THS league bowling, while high rev players will only be able to throw it 1, maybe 2 games, but an excellent ball for conditions.

    MOTIV Staff Player,
    John Robertson

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