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Thread: The way we play cards on league night

  1. #1
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    Talking The way we play cards on league night

    Here is an exerpt form my latest Let's Go Bowling review about our card game.

    I don't know how many of you play cards while you bowl, but we've come up with an interesting wrinkle. We play poker for a quarter a game (yeah, we're big spenders) where you get a card for each mark, but 2 cards for your second spare, and 2 cards for a split. If a split conversion is your second spare you get 3 cards. It rewards good spare shooting, since spares are of paramount importance in winning games. Anybody can strike. Make your spares.

    Try it, it's fun.

  2. #2


    We have a card game as well. Works pretty simple. Costs $6 to get in, we usually have 8 players.

    You get a strike, you get a card. You get 12 strikes, you get 12 cards. From all those cards, the top high, and the top low get paid.

    The amount of money doesn't amount to very much, but it adds an extra dimension to the night. High Game: 300 High Series: 833 (266-267-300), High Average 231 Equipment: Storm Hy-Road, DV8 Brutal Nightmare, DV8 Diva, Columbia White Dot.

  3. #3
    SandBagger Baroncad's Avatar
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    We just ante up a buck, usually 5 players. Strike=2 cards, Spare=1 card.
    Not too original, but I have yet to buy the beer (sometimes it's good to be mediocre )
    All pins are POSSESSED, I'm just happy to be able to exorcise the poor dears and put them out of their misery.
    It's the least I can do
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    I'm a proud member of Bowling Forums

  4. #4

    The KingPin's Avatar
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    So have you seen any problems with people thinking your gambling?

    I bowled on a house with old wooden lanes and 12 teams. We drew a card for every mark. People started thinking that we were gambling and so we had to stop. It was crazy as we were doing nothing wrong.
    Go Broncos!

  5. #5
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    We've had people say something, but it's usually if they can get in the game, too. Besides, when they see it's a quarter a game they can tell it's not too serious.

    I see most people put a premium on striking, and spares are an afterthought at best. I see lots of people who can strike but couldn't pick up a 10 pin to save their lives. I like bowling them. If their carry isn't perfect they're toast.

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