Sunday Mixed 4/7/2013
711 = 264, 215, 232

Really good night. Used my Hammer 1st Blood all 3 games. Pattern seem like a Top hat, aka block shot. Outside between 1st & 2nd arrow was dry, inside was oil with some length. Carried allot of shots, even light hits. Shot was there, I just had to hit it. Won 1st place in brackets and high game handicap (3rd game).

1st game 9 strikes in a row, choked on the 10th, leaving a 6 count and only picking up 3. Ending with a 264. Beat my guy in brackets, who shot a 234. He had a 12 pin handicap.
2nd game 9 spare, then 9 open. Struck and picked up spares to finish with a 215. Beat my guy in brackets, who shot a 200. He had a 46 pin handicap.
3rd game 4 strikes. 8-10 split on the 5th frame. My guy to beat (0 handicap), who happened to be my team mate, also got 4 strikes, giving a big chance to get me on the 5th, but he left a 6-7-10 split. I continued striking and picked up a few spares, to finish off with a 232.