[QUOTE=ecub;81026]Here's a URL to help narrow down thumb sores or calusses...

Ed it says my span is too short so I need to get my ball plugged and redrilled and when I do I am gonna get a thumb slug so its so won't have to keep having it plugged and redrilled and so my thumb clears the hole faster and I do use alot os moisterizer accept when I am bowling I use the rosin bag alot each time I go up to the approach I grab the rosin bag and get some rosin on my hands so I can grip the ball better cause the hole is drille kinda bit I think it needs some tape in it some black tape or I need to wear some patches in order to grip the ball better I dunno when I have it redrilled I have the thumb hole done a little tighter and a slug put in this thursday. thanks for the help everyone!!!!