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Thread: More Team Troubles.

  1. #1
    Ringer RoccoRock's Avatar
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    Default More Team Troubles.

    The last 3 years I've bowled with the same team. Nice guys, and good friends, but it has become obvious that their interest in bowling is fading, as my interest grows. So I have outgrown my team, not just in interest but ability. I decided to jump to a different team in the same league next season. I practice with at least 2 of the 3 members of that team every Monday night. So here's the new issues. The more I practice with these guys, the more I realize that they just flat complain too much. Thursday night the lanes were too oily, last night they were too dry. I played 5-7 boards further left last night than Thursday, so it wasn't that bad. They seem to have a very narrow scope on what type of lanes they like, and if they don't like the lanes they don't, or can't adjust, and just complain and give up. The other issue, I don't want to bowl in a low level, mixed league next season. With the way these guys are, there is no way they would want to challenge themselves and join a mens league. In fact one of them even said to us last night that he was glad we weren't in the Monday mens league that we follwed. So now I am thinking that I have to break my promise to these guys, and go out on my own. I don't really know anyone in the Men's league aside from the guy who runs the pro shop, and one of the mechanics. My other issue is that even if a team is looking for someone, they may not want me. I get plenty of strange looks, and shaking heads from those guys when we practice on the other side of the bowling alley from them. Most of those guys just don't like two handers. So I either have to come up with my own team for the mens league, of jump back into a recreational mixed league with guys that are going to irritate me for 36 weeks. Don't know what to do. The only good news is I may be moving about 30 miles away, making it tough for me to even get to that bowling alley for a league. I have one friend in the area I'm moving I can bowl with, but we would still need teammates. The good news is I have until September to figure it out.
    Trying not to suck, one day at a time.

  2. #2
    Bowling God billf's Avatar
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    Sounds like you've already outgrown the new team too. They complain to make up for lack of ability and accountability. Hopefully the move will help remedy the whole situation.
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  3. #3
    Pin Crusher Tampabaybob's Avatar
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    Before the season ends, go to the house that has that Men's league you're interested in and find the league secretary. Give him a piece of paper with your name and phone number on it and tell him you'd like to join the league next season and if he knows of anyone looking for a team member for them to call you. Now understand, you may not be getting on the best team in the league and as with any situation, there are always pitfalls. You might have the same situation as you do now, but at least you get to bowl in a better league with better bowlers. That in itself will help you out. If you do land on a team that's so so, look around. as you'll be making friends through out the year, and maybe an opening will come up on a better team that you've made friends with. It's a crap shoot but it's worth a shot. You're going to shoot your own game anyway and look and learn from those around you. Don't let someone else's shortcomings derail your own aspirations for improvement. Good luck.

    "There truly is such a thing as a bad night and when these doomed evenings arrive you can't avoid them. But there's a bright side to this, it's that bad nights won't kill you, and sometimes will make you a little smarter."

  4. #4
    Ringer RoccoRock's Avatar
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    Thanks Bob, good advice. I know the pro shop guy, and two of the mechanics, one of which also returns the desk. Plus the owner is really approachable, and he bowls in that league as well. So I have a few people I can leave my number with if I stick around. Plus, I talked to my buddy Rob who is a very high level bowler and he may want to do a league with me. He agreed with me, time to move into more advanced leagues. Doing a recreational league is fine if your doing 2 leagues and you just want one for fun, and drink. If your only doing one, and you want to get better, you need to bowl in better leagues. He even encouraged me to try out for the Masters next year. I told him I am looking at the PBA regionals coming up in two months. Even though I know I'm not ready to really compete, the experience of being there can help.

  5. #5
    Pin Crusher Tampabaybob's Avatar
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    Having points of contact like that will get you far. That's great. When I first moved to Florida in 2000, I walked into a house I'd never been in before and just walked up to the league secretary, introduced myself and told him I was looking for a spot. After I told him my average, he had three teams that wanted to pick me up. No problem, in most cases getting on a team if you're a decent average shooter.

    Good luck, keep us informed.

    "There truly is such a thing as a bad night and when these doomed evenings arrive you can't avoid them. But there's a bright side to this, it's that bad nights won't kill you, and sometimes will make you a little smarter."

  6. #6
    Ringer RoccoRock's Avatar
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    So I informed my friends that I most likely moving, and will not be able to drive that far to bowl next season. They said that's fine because they now believe everyone is coming back. I was supposed to take the place of a bowler who was supposed to be deployed to Afghanistan after she gives birth. Apparently she is not going to be deployed after all, and she wants to bowl. I was supposed to do a summer doubles league with one of the guys, yes one of the ones who complain too much. As of now, it looks like we are going to still do it. It makes me happy, cause it's a real league. I wonder if he'll back out when he sees it's a mens league. I still have to come up with something for fall, there are some nice bowling ally's close to where I'm going. It's going to be weird starting over with a new team, new league, and new bowling center next season. I have a few friends I'm going to ask to join me, and we'll see where it goes from there.
    Trying not to suck, one day at a time.

  7. #7
    Pin Crusher Tampabaybob's Avatar
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    It's hard to start over with a new team. Just last Thursday, I was having a conversation with our team captain about one of the guys we picked up this year who only shows up occasionally and never seems to have the money with him. We decided to ask another guy to bowl with us next year and get rid of this one. That was in the first game, then during the second game, I had another team captain cop me over to me and ask me if I wanted to bowl with his team next year or if I was staying with the same team again. This other team I would die for to bowl with, but I'm very loyal and would never leave the team I've bowled with for several years, hanging. So I had to respectfully decline but thanked him for the opportunity. You'll be fine at a new house and you'll make new friends. In a month or so it'll be your new 'home'. Good luck, let us know what happens.

    "There truly is such a thing as a bad night and when these doomed evenings arrive you can't avoid them. But there's a bright side to this, it's that bad nights won't kill you, and sometimes will make you a little smarter."

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    Sometimes if you don't know people, you just have to join a team of people you don't know to get your foot in the door. When I first joined a team as a regular, it was because somebody I knew who bowled in that league got me on a team (not his) because their bowler had to quit for health reasons. Even though I knew a few bowlers on that league because I subbed occasionally before, I wasn't familiar with a single one of my new teammates. Still, I got along fine with them (and I was the best bowler, so that helped) and I stuck with that team for about five years even as the roster changed all the time. Last year we got a new bowler that I didn't like bowling with at all, so I told the captain that I wouldn't be coming back if that guy did, but I didn't want to tell the other guy to leave either. It wasn't hard for me to find another team. Now, besides league, I just go open bowling once a week and throw some games with the guys who are usually around the house. Because of that, I think I can easily get in on a number of teams if they have openings, plus I'm well-known at the center.


    1. If you don't have a team of your own, just put your name on a list. There are bound to be some openings. Even if there aren't regular spots, you can sub. If you don't like the team, it's just one season and you'll undoubtedly find some people that you DO get along with.

    2. Just hang around the center a bit for practice. There will probably be some regulars who show up at certain times. Often they prefer bowling with someone else rather than doing so alone.

    Also, I do two-handed and I'm familiar with the questioning looks, especially from my teammates. They've gotten used to it by now though and since they've seen me throw some high series that way, they don't complain anymore. Actually, I'd say that the number one reaction to my style has been curiosity more than anything else.

  9. #9
    Cranker ArtVandelay's Avatar
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    I just hope I never get to this point... Seems like a horrible problem to have. I hope I never take bowling this seriously.
    Not helping the situation since 1983.

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    Bowling Balls: Lane #1 Droid (Strike Ball), Storm Crossroad (Strike Ball. I hate the smell...), Hammer No Mercy (Retired Strike Ball. We had a good run. RIP, old friend!), Ebonite Magnum (Spare Ball), Ebonite Maxim (Spare Ball)
    Best Game: 267
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  10. #10
    Bowling God billf's Avatar
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    Two of my fall/winter leagues are serious with another being a social league.
    My Tuesday summer league isn't serious but my Wednesday PBA experience league is slightly more serious (at least to Derrick and I)
    I've also signed up for a beginner's league on Fridays this summer but so far only myself and a friend have signed up.
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