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Thread: My Welcome to Bowling Clinic Experience Judy Clemons

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    Ringer Judy clemons's Avatar
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    Smile My Welcome to Bowling Clinic Experience Judy Clemons

    My review on Welcome 2 Bowling Clinic at ITRC,Arlington,Tx. by: JUDY CLEMONS

    , Today at 12:08 AM (16 Views)

    Welcome 2 Bowling Clinic time was 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
    Saturday April 13, 2013 at the International Training and Research
    Center, Arlington, Texas.
    I arrived at approximately 12:45 p.m. when my husband dropped
    me off. I wandered into the front door of the facility pulling my 2
    ball duffle roller bag with me. Just inside a short distance were 2
    smiling ladies waiting to greet new arrivals they found my name on
    their list and I was assigned to bowling lane #5 and given a name
    tag to wear with the assigned lane#5 attached to it and was advised
    our class room instruction would start at 1:30 p.m. in the meantime
    I could take my equipment to my lane and then I could wander thru the facility and check everything out.
    I proceeded to go to lane 5, I set my equipment out, put on my shoes
    and looked thru the coaching book and pamplets that were handed to
    me when I got my name tag. I then decided to find the rest rooms
    and I saw their Pro Shop, Class Room, and Exercise room on the
    way back to the rest area facilities. They have the newest updated
    equipment & technology. Totally awesome a must see for everyone.
    Okay, by this time I decide to go find a seat in the class room and
    get settled so I will be prepared to take notes. I am anxious for this to get going as I am sure everyone there is too. Finally, they are ready
    to get started and they start by introducing Rod Ross ITRC -Teen USA
    3 years... our contacts Kevin Roberts & David Plaque. Then they
    introduce not 1 not 2 but 3 Gold qualified coaches that are there to
    assist and help us today along with about (not sure) 8 other certified
    coaches. We had a multitude of experienced knowledgeable trainers
    working with us this day. How amazing is that? We were BLESSED!
    What we learned in this class room you can learn too by going on Basic Bowling, We learned lane surface effects hook on
    balls. Pins are 15 " tall and weigh about 4 pounds each making a rack
    of Pins weigh at 40 pounds. We learned about the playing field and
    equipment: The Lane, Locator Dots & Arrows, Pins, Bowling Shoes,
    Bowling Ball Fit & Weight, Picking up the ball, They covered the Fundamentals: Right Handed and Left Handed Distinctions, Ball Side,
    Balance Arm or opposite arm/hand, Slide Foot or opposite foot.
    Lane Courtesy. Also that bowling is a sport and we should take an
    Athletic Pose & Hand Position. Then we went thru the 4 step delivery,
    and the 5 step delivery and talked about 6 step and 3 step and 1 step
    deliveries. Covered the stance , swing, step and slide. Also Hand -
    position Release- straight ball. Then hand position Release - hook ball
    Then the finish position and foot work. Then went back to lane play
    and touched on Targeting, Straight ball, Hook ball, Lining up, Adjusting
    Then we learned about Spares, Knowing the Pin numbers, the key pin, Zones for spares and how to move to pick up spares in each zone.
    After the class we went out on the lanes and low and behold I had one
    of the Gold Coaches for my instructor (Susie) we had five on our lanes
    3 women and 2 guys and Susie told us to warm up by doing what we always do .. I was on the left side of lane 6 standing on the 2nd dot
    and aiming at the 9th board on the right side of the lane and the first
    ball i threw went right into the right gutter. I moved to lane 5 used
    the same address and same target and ball hooked all the way over and took out 7 pin repeated throw and picked up some more but i was
    really getting digusted with the way this was going. Back to lane 6 and used same address & target and yes, you guessed it the ball couldn't wait to jump in the gutter. At last, Susie stopped the practice
    and started working with us individually one at a time, she advised me
    to stand on the center dot aim at 2nd arrow on lane 6 and i did what
    she advised and my ball actually stayed on the lane and kinda went at
    the pocket a little high so she advised to move one board left of 2nd
    arrow and it was still a little high on the pocket so she had me move to 8 board and i was able to strike not only on lane 6 but also lane 5
    I had no problem picking up my 10 pin spare or my 8 pin spare and I
    was getting strikes now that i was where she had me move to. I am
    using what Susie taught me and showed me and have been to 6 practice games with that new information and i believe it is working
    for me. At least now I am confident that I am using the correct ball
    weight and holding my ball correctly for my bowling style. After our
    bowling session was over we went back into the class room to fill out
    a survey. I am not sure at all if i filled mine out correctly or not I don't
    believe some of it applied to me at all and then i know one of the
    questions may be mis-interpreted due to the fact i stated i would not
    take the class again but by that i mean't i don't need another welcome 2 Bowling, however I would take more advanced classes.
    I actually throughly enjoyed this Bowling Clinic and the instructors
    and the Coaches especially Susie she was Dynamic.I would like to take this opportunity to say "THANK YOU" to each and every single one of them for what they did and for what they do each and every
    day they truly bless so many lives and they do not even realize it.
    By the way they gave away 4 door prizes before they dismissed the
    class 2 USBC Towels and 2 Bowling shirts. I strolled back to the lobby
    area to watch for my hubby to pick me up and on the way i noticed
    they have a ball cleaning machine sitting there that cleans washes
    dries and polishes your balls. I found that very interesting to be there.
    Okay, my husband is here, i walk out rolling bag behind me he gets out of the car to put it in the back and i notice Susie is strolling out
    the door so i got the chance for my husband to meet her and that
    was a highlight to my day as well cause now he knows who gave me
    my Bowling advice for future reference,how neat is that?

  2. #2
    High Roller hondo's Avatar
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    Very cool. Thanks for taking the time to share.

  3. #3
    Pin Crusher Tampabaybob's Avatar
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    Seffner, FL
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    Judy, thanks for sharing that information. Many times we, the older experienced certified coaches, recommend to the newer bowlers to find a local coach. The experience you shared, reinforces our comments. We all want this game to continue to grow, and bowlers that are able to attend one of those seminars are probably all walking away feeling much better about their game. I've run, and been a coach in several of those types of classes, and I believe (hope) that all of those bowlers came away feeling the same way. Thanks again.

    "There truly is such a thing as a bad night and when these doomed evenings arrive you can't avoid them. But there's a bright side to this, it's that bad nights won't kill you, and sometimes will make you a little smarter."


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