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Thread: Recent Lack of Good Etiquette

  1. #1

    Default Recent Lack of Good Etiquette

    Sunday, I bowled in a King of the Hill tournament. We were all doing a two lane courtesy, as is appropriate for tournament play. One woman on the pair to my left consistently would skip turns. I would have my ball, stand up near the lane, obviously waiting to go when someone finished throwing. She'd walk up, grab her ball, then just walk up on her approach one lane over from me, despite the fact that is was super obvious that I was waiting my turn. All three games, she kept doing this. I hate how long two lane courtesy takes as it is but when someone skips a turn like that, it really screws things up.

    Tonight, I was having a 300 game going. After my fourth strike, my teammates stopped chatting with me unless I initiated a quick conversation. Six strikes in, the guy I was bowling head-to-head against on the other team started talking to me between frames. It was really pissing me off. The worst part? He kept talking about how typical it is that people bowl 300s against him and how I must be nervous about it. I made it to the ninth frame before I finally didn't get a strike (Struck out in the tenth for a 278). Who the hell does that? It's like talking to a pitcher during a perfect game. Probably should have just hit him.

  2. #2
    Ringer DLP's Avatar
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    While we (my hubby and I) haven't done any tournament or league bowling yet I've noticed lane etiquette varies immensely, and its not by age group or gender. The normal lane we bowl at has a lot of kids and young adults since its relatively close to a high school and the local college. I've seen better lane etiquette from them and some younger kids (we're talking ages 8-12 who have a respect for the game) than adults that I've bowled near. One of the most phenomenal examples I've seen is a kid that was knee high to a grasshopper. He was bowling on the lane by himself as his parents were bowling league that night. Was an absolute joy to be around and people around him (including us) were cheering him on. Kid knew the game and knew it well and was setting an example for other people bowling around us at the time (including a girl who was bowling out of turn to our other side).

    There is hope!!! Just sorry you had such poor experiences lately

  3. #3
    Ringer Hampe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greenday View Post
    Sunday, I bowled in a King of the Hill tournament. We were all doing a two lane courtesy, as is appropriate for tournament play. One woman on the pair to my left consistently would skip turns. I would have my ball, stand up near the lane, obviously waiting to go when someone finished throwing. She'd walk up, grab her ball, then just walk up on her approach one lane over from me, despite the fact that is was super obvious that I was waiting my turn. All three games, she kept doing this. I hate how long two lane courtesy takes as it is but when someone skips a turn like that, it really screws things up.
    Did you say something to her? Usually when someone is doing that if you say something to them or to their team, they'll stop doing it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Greenday View Post
    Tonight, I was having a 300 game going. After my fourth strike, my teammates stopped chatting with me unless I initiated a quick conversation. Six strikes in, the guy I was bowling head-to-head against on the other team started talking to me between frames. It was really pissing me off. The worst part? He kept talking about how typical it is that people bowl 300s against him and how I must be nervous about it. I made it to the ninth frame before I finally didn't get a strike (Struck out in the tenth for a 278). Who the hell does that? It's like talking to a pitcher during a perfect game. Probably should have just hit him.
    6 strikes is nothing....if my head-to-head opponent has 6 strikes to start off with, I'd probably say something like that too. If they get to the 9-10th frame with a perfect game still going, then I'd be quiet and leave them alone.

  4. #4
    Ringer RoccoRock's Avatar
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    These are pet peeves of mine, lane courtesy, and smart *** comments by sore losers. A few months ago in league I had a good game broken up when on back to back frames I was distracted. One by a guy rattling balls around in the ball return and once when I was cut off by a girl two lanes over. There's also two guys in that league that just grab their ball and go, they don't even check to see if anyone is waiting.

    The comments bother me too. Last year I beat a guy pretty good in the first game of the series. I was on a hot streak, bowling above average every game. He turns to be and says, so you going to actually bowl your average this game. I would never say something like that to someone. If they're having a good game or a good night and bowling above average good for them. Maybe they worked hard on their game, or maybe is the night of their life, and they'll remember it forever as that great night they had, and who am I to ruin that. I had a teammate with a 155 average, and he runs off 4 in a row. The lady he was bowling against says to him, so I guess your gonna throw a gutter ball now. Classless just let the guy have his night.

  5. #5
    Bowler Gunz1911's Avatar
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    Specially when there is always the flip side to your awesome nights. You always have those nights that you just can't put anything together and bowl way below average. Happened to me last sunday, Bowled about 20-25 pins below average every game, (average was 163). The group I was bowling against was pretty decent and we just joked around about it. Luckily a few of us where on off nights, so no one accused anyone of sandbagging the game.

    I'd have to say it is not just game etiquette, but just general common courtesy and some people are just D-bags and deserve a good throat punch.

  6. #6
    Ringer GeoLes's Avatar
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    I look at it this way.

    There were many occasions when I could overhear a cell phone conversation from a good distance away. It was as if the person was yelling to me personally. I jokingly say, save the money. You don't need a phone your party can hear you without it. Phone etiquette dictates that the phone conversation should be discrete. (step off to the side and take your private conversation, then rejoin the public when done).

    While this makes perfect sense it is not widely known or widely respected. The same is especially true of bowling etiquette. The general idea is: "I am here to bowl and have fun. You have your lane. I have mine. Let's bowl!!" They get in theiir own zone and that's it. Nothing else exists.

    Education can help however. A polite comment can make a big difference. For example, when I started taking spin class at a new gym, I entered the spin room and noticed the bikes had towel already on them. (nice perk, I thought). I grabbed the bike I wanted and later the person who reserved the bike by placing a towel there became very upset. I did not know the rules.

    Dispite my signature, you have to sometimes teach the rules.
    I live by three simples rules:

    1. Don't ever ask about my business
    2. Never discuss business at the table
    3. Don't ever side with anyone against the family

  7. #7
    Ringer Judy clemons's Avatar
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    if you let someone get to you and mess up your do not have concentration
    if you let someone hurt your feelings you must be wearing them on your sleeve
    if you let some one use have not mastered the English word of no!!!

    I didn't say it was your FAULT...
    I said I was going to BLAME you!!!

    I learned the hard way to have total concentration in my stance and on my approach
    someone on the boards said tell your self it is just me, my ball, my target and follow through...

    nobody can hurt your feelings...unless you let them

    nobody can use you either...unless you let them

    okay there are GRANNY GRUNT'S LECTURES for the day...

    suggest taking with a grain of salt

  8. #8


    I think a two lane courtesy is too much. If someone is distracting you that far away then you need to work on concentrating better. And if someone is already waiting for the person to their left to bowl, whats the big deal if the person to the right goes too?

  9. #9
    Pin Crusher classygranny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judy clemons View Post
    if you let someone get to you and mess up your do not have concentration
    if you let someone hurt your feelings you must be wearing them on your sleeve
    if you let some one use have not mastered the English word of no!!!

    I didn't say it was your FAULT...
    I said I was going to BLAME you!!!

    I learned the hard way to have total concentration in my stance and on my approach
    someone on the boards said tell your self it is just me, my ball, my target and follow through...

    nobody can hurt your feelings...unless you let them

    nobody can use you either...unless you let them

    okay there are GRANNY GRUNT'S LECTURES for the day...

    suggest taking with a grain of salt
    I GRANNY second that!!!

    Also, if you don't like what's being said, JUST WALK AWAY. Simple, easy, diplomatic - they get the point of "I don't want to talk". I do this even when I am bowling poorly just to regroup my thought process.

    If it's a tournament, they should have explained the rules. Someone not abiding, let the tournament directors handle the issue.
    Proud member of bowling forums & winner of bowling ball give-away!
    High Series - 704; High Game - 290 (a long time ago) Current Average - 150

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by josheaton16 View Post
    I think a two lane courtesy is too much. If someone is distracting you that far away then you need to work on concentrating better. And if someone is already waiting for the person to their left to bowl, whats the big deal if the person to the right goes too?
    Nothing is wrong with that. What IS wrong is that when someone is clearly waiting for their turn, then you just walk up, grab your ball, and step onto the lane next to them and go through your approach. It's a CLEAR lack of manners.

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