Subbed last night as I took summer off league to work on my game.

Had a good night in which I was able to put some of the tweaks to my game into action from the coaching I got in mid June.

231-212-256 = 699

Had 4 shots that went a bit heavy, 2 of which left the 3-6-9-10 and the other 2 left a 4 pin. Had a couple stone 9 pins left. 2 opens all night, 1 was I left a 9 standing from one of the 3-6-9-10's and the other was a 6 pin that I don't know what happened but my ball officially cleaned the gutter out from half way down the lane. That 6 pin miss cost me my 700 series.

All in all a good night and I felt with the tweaks that I have made to my game, that my targetting is much improved and am making strides to get to my goal of my average back into the 220's and even closer to the 230's.