Weight: 14 lbs.
Pin Length: 3”
Drilling: Pin above fingers, stacked
Pattern Length: 40 ft.
Pattern Volume: Medium
Pattern Type: THS
Right Handed

I tested the TOTALLY DEFIANT on a 40 ft. house pattern, at 1500 grit polished, which is the box finish. I also used it on US open senior womens pattern in Columbus, OH.

This ball gets through the heads very smooth, with a very strong angular motion when it comes off the pattern. I found, on the house pattern, I had to move in further, but did not lose carry. This ball does not quit! It gives me more length than the DEFIANT, and the DEFIANT EDGE, with a much more angular move to the pocket. I find I leave fewer corner pins due to the stronger entry angle.

On the senior US open womens pattern, the TOTALLY DEFIANT read the pattern nicely on the fresh, even with the pearl cover stock. This ball gives me a similar look to the old Cell Pearl, which was my favorite ball at the time!

The TOTALLY DEFIANT is a great addition to your arsenal. It is very versatile as it can be used on THS and sport patterns alike.

Carol Teel
Roto Grip Amateur Staff Member