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Thread: Aslan's Scores (of the non-lady kind)

  1. #471
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amyers View Post
    I wasn't aware that there was an approval process for wrist braces for USBC Sanctioned League play? This isn't the PBA where they think they need to make a mint off of every product anyone tries to use. Don't give those morons any ideas or well be required to buy shirts from them for $45 bucks that have ads for KMART on the back.
    It's my understanding that any bowling ball or product used during a sanctioned league or tournament must be USBC approved. That includes obviously the ball but also the ball cleaners, shoes, wrist braces, etc...

    This should not be confused with the "PBA approved" process. For example, I was talking about this with Mike on Sunday...900Global is no longer paying to be part of the PBA. So 900Global no longer has their sponsored folks competing...and their balls can't be thrown. However, 900Global bowling balls ARE still USBC approved as are AMF, Lane #1, Seismic, and Lord Field.

    As long as the bowling product has a USBC stamp on's legal for sanctioned play. And nearly everything in bowling has that stamp. HOWEVER...the company must then pay a SIGNIFICANT amount of money if they want their stuff used during PBA events.

    My wrist brace is a "chinese special" and doesn't have the USBC stamp. If I used it and bowled a 300-game...would anyone care? Doubt it. The lady pretty much just copies the USBC number off the ball and thats that. I really want to chance it that by some stroke of genuis and dumb luck I throw a 300-game only to have it nullified by a technicality? And even if it wasn't...I WOULD KNOW that it wasn't TECHNICALLY legitimate...and that would bug me.

    If I really NEED the wrist brace...if I determine I MUST HAVE IT to perform...I'll just buy a Storm Gizmo or something and make it official. If I win the VBT, thats probably what I'll use the gift certificate on....or maybe a ball. I could use a 16lb skid/flip for arsenal #3. Or even something long/ a Track 300A. I could use a 16lb solid/symmetric like the Rotogrip Rumble. Or I could use a 15lb hybrid like the Hy Road for Arsenal #4. But...I'm leaning towards the Gizmo. Gotta WIN this thing first...and thats a TALL order facing the great Mwhite and likely facing VDub in the finals. VDub farts out 221 games with as little effort as it takes to put on his bowling shoes.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  2. #472
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Default tuesday league

    My tragic love life aside...I figure I'll actually post a score update...

    Tuesday League Night: medium oil synthetics

    519 Series: 164-135-220

    Got to the center LATE...due to Thanksgiving traffic nightmares. So my practice was relatively limited. I therefore didn't finish figuring out my line/ball situation until after the 1st game of the series. In Game 1 I chopped a 2-4-5 in the 4th and completely missed a 2-8 (which I simply can't pick up)...other than that it was a clean game....I just didn't have a good strike line established because I was still trying to figure that out in the 9th frame.

    In Game 2, yet anolther "Game 2 disaster"! Missed a 7-pin in the 3rd...then chopped two STRAIGHT 2-4-8s. Managed to pick up a 5-pin before completely MISSING on another 2-4-8 in the 7th. Add to that a miss on a 4-7 in the 9th and then unable to pick up a 10-pin on the 3rd ball of the 10th...just was a really bad, bad game.

    Game 3, "looks" impressive...but I can honestly say it was NOT. I started out with 3 straight spares and got lucky on the 1-2-7-8. I missed another 4-7 in the 6th. And even though I ended with a 5-bagger and a 9 count on the last ball...2 of those strikes were Brooklyn...and one was through the headpin. I deserved maybe 2 of th 5 at most.

    PinPal Stats:
    First Ball Average: 8.53 pins
    Strikes: 32% (1 5-bagger and 6 singles)
    Spares: 57% picked up

    Single Pin spares: 60% (3/5)
    1 for 3 on corner pins.

    Multiple Pin spares: 56% (9/16)
    Most common multi-pin leave: 2-4-5 and 4-7 (3x each).

    Splits: N/A

    Average over 3 games: 173.00.
    Average had I picked up 100% of single pin spare leaves: 176.33.

    Another disappointing night.

    - 519 is good...I like seeing 500+...but it's not the 525 goal I have each night.
    - The 220 game was a farse. It took me FAR too long to figure out that the lanes were too slick and my release too weak to play the line I was playing. It shouldn't take leaving a 2-4-8 THREE TIMES in a game to figure out that the ball ain't moving. The 220 game was luck with a tiny bit of lane breakdown as assistance.
    - The strike rate was better...but I'd say well over 1/3 of those were brooklyn strikes. So, I wasn't hitting what I wanted to hit...I was just carrying.
    - Single-pin spare shooting and shooting at the 4-7 or 6-10...essentially the shots where the plastic ball comes out...STILL horrible. I can't let a bad night derail my progress...but thus far this plastic ball thing is sort of for the birds.

    Good News?
    - 220 is my high game thus far this season. I think it gave me a 277-279 handicap which is either my highest or second highest this season.
    - The team still took 3 out of 4 so we should still be on top of the standings or at worst tied atop the standings.

    The team struggles as of late are more due to our anchor. He's a high 180s bowler and the last couple weeks has bowled just awful. I think he had a 195 game to start but then bowled really, really bad. 120s/140s. Our low 190s guys has been on a terror...and almost threw a 700+ series scratch last night. I'm slowly getting better and have a nice cushion of handicap to work with right now...but I wasn't planning on being one of the top 2 guys on this team...certainly not this early in the season. So if our anchor doesn't snap out of his funk...I'm gonna have to put on my big boy pants and start anchoring from the #2 position. And thats gonna ruin my handicap situation...and probably cost me at sweeps in Vegas.

    Last night the lanes seemed "slick". I had trouble, even with the Bullet Train of getting the ball back to the pocket playing the 10-board or the I moved inside a little playing about 13. The problem with that is, I had to be very EXACT. One board right...missed the headpin. One board would hit some dry and miss the headpin on the other side. I blame their new "oil a ton in the morning and not for the rest of the day" now there's carry down from house balls...mostly RH the whole right side has a slightly longer pattern. But the left side...a shorter pattern since there's less carrydown. Our lefty nearly shot a 300 last week and a 700 series this week. His ball is moving fine. But us rightys are throwing straight at the friggin headpin.

    As MWhite would say, "the ball has to find some dry to move". Well, me throwing it straight up the doesn't find dry until probably 42ft...and then it's experiencing it doesn't actually encounter much friction until probably <10ft in front of the headpin. So for rightys...we're essentially bowling a long PBA pattern while the leftys are on a slightly longer THS.

    And still trying to figure out what to focus on. Lord knows I can't focus on EVERYTHING all at once. I must limit myself. So, I either focus on:

    1) Slow but continuous feet, easy/effortless swing, effortless release (almost just dropping it), FOCUS on the mark.


    2) Continuous feet, form/balance, stay behind and under the ball, FOCUS on the mark, and keep that hand facing up through the follow-through.
    Last edited by Aslan; 11-26-2014 at 12:29 PM.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  3. #473
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
    It's my understanding that any bowling ball or product used during a sanctioned league or tournament must be USBC approved. That includes obviously the ball but also the ball cleaners, shoes, wrist braces, etc...

    This should not be confused with the "PBA approved" process. For example, I was talking about this with Mike on Sunday...900Global is no longer paying to be part of the PBA. So 900Global no longer has their sponsored folks competing...and their balls can't be thrown. However, 900Global bowling balls ARE still USBC approved as are AMF, Lane #1, Seismic, and Lord Field.

    As long as the bowling product has a USBC stamp on's legal for sanctioned play. And nearly everything in bowling has that stamp. HOWEVER...the company must then pay a SIGNIFICANT amount of money if they want their stuff used during PBA events.

    My wrist brace is a "chinese special" and doesn't have the USBC stamp. If I used it and bowled a 300-game...would anyone care? Doubt it. The lady pretty much just copies the USBC number off the ball and thats that. I really want to chance it that by some stroke of genuis and dumb luck I throw a 300-game only to have it nullified by a technicality? And even if it wasn't...I WOULD KNOW that it wasn't TECHNICALLY legitimate...and that would bug me.

    If I really NEED the wrist brace...if I determine I MUST HAVE IT to perform...I'll just buy a Storm Gizmo or something and make it official. If I win the VBT, thats probably what I'll use the gift certificate on....or maybe a ball. I could use a 16lb skid/flip for arsenal #3. Or even something long/ a Track 300A. I could use a 16lb solid/symmetric like the Rotogrip Rumble. Or I could use a 15lb hybrid like the Hy Road for Arsenal #4. But...I'm leaning towards the Gizmo. Gotta WIN this thing first...and thats a TALL order facing the great Mwhite and likely facing VDub in the finals. VDub farts out 221 games with as little effort as it takes to put on his bowling shoes.
    You really need to read the USBC rules once in a while.

    Bowling balls are required by rule to have the USBC stamp on them.

    Not everything is required.

    Simple Green is allowed to be used on the ball while bowling, and last time I looked, there is nothing on a Simple Green bottle indicating that the USBC even exists.

    As for as "aids", the rule lays out the criteria of what can be used.

    If you're device falls within those rules, it can be used. Made in China, or your own garage doesn't matter.

  4. #474
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike White View Post
    You really need to read the USBC rules once in a while.

    Bowling balls are required by rule to have the USBC stamp on them.

    Not everything is required.

    Simple Green is allowed to be used on the ball while bowling, and last time I looked, there is nothing on a Simple Green bottle indicating that the USBC even exists.

    As for as "aids", the rule lays out the criteria of what can be used.

    If you're device falls within those rules, it can be used. Made in China, or your own garage doesn't matter.
    I was told a 50/50 mix of simple green and ethyl alcohol would be considered illegal because it's not a USBC approved cleaner.

    I'm not aware of a specific rule on wrist braces. Mike is probably correct. But I don't understand why they'd bother to have an "approved equipment list" if you could simply just use anything not spcifically spelled out on the "Non-approved" list.

  5. #475


    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
    We can hope. Although, I have to think classygranny would probably complain about that thread and Bowl1820 would not approve.

    This is a family website...and my X-rated excapades...all be it rare recently...and all be it, I think somewhat entertaining...are not for the eyes of children.

    Right now...I'm in a bit of "limbo" on the "lady front". "Technically" still married...which puts a damper on dating. Living with said future X-Wife (puts a REAL damper on dating!). And until she finds a suitable employment opportunity...I am forced with a decision of having a rommate and living in an akward situation and not really having any dating prospects in the meantime...or pushing through with a divorce preceeding that at this time would likely result in neither of us being able to afford to live in California.

    But, with Mudpuppy being an experienced married man I'm sure he understands...after 15 years of with someone akwardly and not having sex (nor really wanting to given the options) is pretty much what marriage is about. The only difference between NOW and 2011 is in 2011 I got to have sub-par "relations" every couple weeks or so. Now I get to have "more exciting" relations once every 6 months or so but only if I'm willing to spend the $200.

    But...I'm just a good lotto ticket away from bursting from this situational cacoon...and emerging as a hot, player butterfly...entertaining the ladies of LA and Orange county with my wit and humor and bowling prowess. Just gotta hit that jackpot...and troubles will be in the rear view mirror!
    Understand completely and best of luck. I will look forward to you resolving your issues so that you can have a better future.

  6. #476
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Sunday Open Bowling: low-medium oil synthetics

    Didn't have my sport league and had some time in the morning so I practiced for my tournament next week. The physical but also the mental.

    543 Series: 182-183-178
    Game 1 I got the ball situation figured out rather quickly and without too much loss of striking. Game 2 I was clean except for a 2-4-10 in the 5th and 10th frames. Game 3 I thought went well, but a chopped 2-4-5-8 in the 7th and a 1-2-4-10 washout in the 8th left me two open frames.

    Mental Game: Figured after the first of 3 squads, 543 would be only good enough for 5th. Figured about a 579 if I wanted the top spot.

    511 Series: 197-158-167
    Started out hot in Game 4 until I left a 1-2-10 washout in the 8th. Almost salvaged a 200+ but I left a 6-9-10 in the 10th and missed it completely. Almost salvaged a respectable game in Game 2 but somehow chopped a 1-3 in the 8th. Game 6 was better than the score indicates…I had a couple splits to contend with.

    Mental Game: Figured after the second squad, a 593 would probably be on top of the Division. So the goal is high 590s series and hope that nobody comes out of nowhere in Squad 3.

    625 Series: 213-228 (clean)-184
    A couple spares and then 5 strikes in 7 frames. Would have been clean except I again chopped a 2-4-5-8 bucket in the 10th. That left me with 213. Game 8 was a reversal of Game 7; started off with only one strike in the first 5 frames. Then I struck 6 times in the remaining 7 frames. So I figured I was on track for a 600 series. I then got a bit worried when I opened with a 4-6-7 split in the 1st and then missed a single 7-pin (my only single-pin miss of the morning) in the 2nd. But, despite the strikes not really being there, i managed to stay clean to close it out.

    PinPal Stats:
    First Ball Average: 8.66 pins
    Strikes: 42% (1 5-bagger, 2 4-baggers, 2 turkeys, 2 doubles, and 19 singles)
    Spares: 64% picked up

    Single Pin spares: 94% (17/18)
    Most common single-pin leave: 5-pin (5x).
    Never left a single 1-pin.

    Multiple Pin spares: 50% (18/36)
    Most common multi-pin spare leave: 2-4-5 (7x).

    Splits: 0% (0/7)

    Average over 9 games: 187.78.
    Average had I picked up 100% of single pin spare leaves: 188.89.

    Over-all happy with the practice session. Mostly the mental and the spare shooting. I'll need to be confident at spare shooting for the tournament in a week. And mentally I was happy that with me back a ways in 6th-9th (in the imaginary tournament), I was able to go into that final squad and perform…especially after not having a good 2nd squad. And it showed me I AM capable of putting up a 600-series. I think the high 500s will take the top spot given that it's "Divisions" and the top average in my division is 169.

    AND…the tournament is at Mike's stomping ground, Arlington Lanes in Riverside. Which is a GOOD thing because I average about 196 there in the 7 games I've played.

    As to what went well on the physical side:

    1) Still debating whether to focus on balance, a quiet shoulder, a smooth release, and FOCUS…OR…Balance/form, FOCUS, and follow-through. The quiet shoulder concept makes sense. But I seem to strike better when I'm paying more attention to the balance/follow-through. FOCUS is key in both.

    2) This is with the wrist brace ON of course. I hope that slowly my hand/wrist will naturally stay flat/slightly cupped through the entire swing…but I have to be realistic in the meantime that I'm not going to get "quite" as good of ball motion and ultimately pin carry until I can get my wrist to "brace itself". BUT…I did shoot 94% on single-pin spares with the brace on. That eliminates 50% of the barrier I have to actually wearing one in competition. The other 50% is stubbornness that I can teach my hand to do it.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  7. #477
    Bowling Guru Amyers's Avatar
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    There are some nice scores there nice to see your game is starting to come back a little. Keep it up.
    I am a proud member of bowling forums and ball contest winner

    Current arsenal

    900 Global Badger Claw - Radical Ridiculous Pearl - Spare Ball Ebonite T Zone

  8. #478


    Nice average over the 9 games and the single pin conversion rate is great. Keep it up.

  9. #479
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Monday Practice: medium oil synthetics

    433 Series: 129-177-127
    First game I was just trying to figure out my line and ball to I wasn't too concerned about the score. Game 2 was clean except for a washout in the 6th; just not much striking. Game 3 was 2 splits and some bad spare I wasn't very happy during Game 3.

    617 Series: 190-211-216
    Game 4 I was clean except for a 3-9-10 splits in the 6th. I'm about 19% on that spare...and surprised it's even that high because I can't remember ever picking it up. Game 5 I started out with a missed single 10-pin. Also had a washout in the 8th. But I struck 6 times and picked up a 2-4-10 split in the 10th to salvage a 200+ game. Game 6 I was clean except for a single 10-pin in the 9th. There goes having a solid foundation frame.

    524 Series: 179-143-202
    Game 7 was better than it looks. Missed a single 7-pin in the 5th and had a couple splits...including a 4-6 in the 1st and a 4-6-10 in the 10th. Otherwise clean and from the 2nd through the 9th; first ball was either 9 or 10 pins. Game 8 I got a couple splits and then struggled with a 2-4-5-8 and 6-9-10 in the final frames for a disappointing finish. Game 9 I chopped a 3-6-10 in the 3rd and got a 2-7 split in the 4th. Otherwise I was clean including picking up a 5-7 split in the 10th to salvage a 200+ game and 500+ series.

    Game 10: 178
    Clean except for a chopped 2-4-8 in the 6th and a chopped 1-2-4-8 in the 7th.

    PinPal Stats:
    First Ball Average: 8.64 pins
    Strikes: 37% (1 5-bagger, 4 turkeys, 4 doubles and 16 singles)
    Spares: 57% picked up

    Single Pin spares: 75% (15/20)
    Most common single-pin leaves: 10-pin (8x).
    Never left a single 1-pin, 3-pin, 8-pin, nor 9-pin.

    Multiple Pin spares: 48% (21/43)
    Most common multi-pin spare leaves: 6-10 (5x).

    Splits: 28% (4/14)

    Average over 10 games: 175.20.
    Average had I picked up 100% of single pin spare leaves: 180.50.

    Slightly disappointing practice. After looking at the PinPal stats and comparing them to my last Monday practice at this center...actually it wasn't as bad as I thought. Pretty much the same across the board.

    Last night I worked on the 3 "F"s: Form, Focus, and Follow-Through.

    I find that two common things that are in place when I make a good shot are a pronounced balance arm and/or complete focus on my target. Balance and focus. I added to that "Follow-Through" because I'm trying to swing THROUGH the ball rather than release off to the side.

    I actually started to do a little better in the last 7 games because I was getting tired and stopped "trying" to throw the ball and just let it come through and off my hand naturally. Sure, the led to several shots that went flat or slightly off to the right...but it also slowed the ball down a little and gave it more time to hook flush into the pocket.

    I also tried to keep my steps shorter without "starting/stopping" while on the approach...but I couldn't focus on that too much...trying to keep only 3 things going on in my head at one time.

    Now I just need to get this to carryover to tomorrow for league play…and thats still the trick.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  10. #480
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Tuesday League Night: medium-heavy oil synthetics

    522 Series: 197-157-168

    Got to the center early and everyone else was late so I at least got my line/ball situation figured out before league play actually began.

    Chopped a 1-2-8 washout in the 1st frame which wrecked my clean game AND a 200+ game. Game 2 I had a bad shot in the first frame then followed that with a missed single 2-pin in the 2nd. Finished strong, but was cursed with another 1-2-8 washout in the 10th, which I once again chopped. Game 3 I was clean through 5 until I missed a single 5-pin (of all things) in the 6th. Then a 6-7-10 split in the 8th which I missed. Then a 2-5-7 split in the 9th which I actually converted. Then a 3-10 baby split in the 10th which I missed.

    PinPal Stats:
    First Ball Average: 8.35 pins
    Strikes: 32% (3 doubles and 4 singles)
    Spares: 65% picked up

    Single Pin spares: 60% (3/5)
    2 for 2 on corner pins though.

    Multiple Pin spares: 66% (10/15)
    Most common multi-pin leave: 1-2 and 4-7 (2x each).

    Splits: 33% (1/3)

    Average over 3 games: 174.00.
    Average had I picked up 100% of single pin spare leaves: 181.33.

    Not 'terribly' disappointing…but disappointing. I mean, my goals are clean games and a 525+ series. Well, I missed a clean game by one frame…and I missed a 525 by 3 pins. We also lost our 2nd game (as a team) by < 10 points. And that little margin may leave us tied with 1-2 teams at the top next week. Also disappointed that my strike % is still in the low 30s…still disappointed that my single-pin spare % is below 80%.

    I've actually been bowling better, but my home center has decided to flood the lanes at 10AM and then not strip and re-oil before leagues…even their 28-team league…which I believe has caused their THS to essentially be a poor man's long sport shot. All the right handers come out there and throw up the right side…but there's so much carry down from casual bowlers throwing plastic balls up primarily the rights side…we're not seeing much reaction. Leftys you ask? Oh, there world is still rainbows and lollipops. Our left hander has nearly thrown 2 300-games and a 700 series in the last 2 weeks. I've tried to bring the surface down on the Bullet Train…but it wasn't much help. Ended up having to move a board right and my target a board left…and essentially throw a straight shot with very little room for error.

    Oh well. Hopefully I'll have better luck at my tournament, at a house that is much drier, this Sunday.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

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