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Thread: Aslan's Scores (of the non-lady kind)

  1. #791
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Tuesday League Night: low oil synthetics

    503 Series: 159-173-171
    (Last Week = 498 Series: 147-174-177)

    We had to play a blank team this week so they stuck us on the lanes closest to the entrance. I also didn't time my "medicinal pot use" well and ended up being slightly high at the start of Game 1. This led to a rather interesting ball speed was low. And, it was so low...that the balls were hooking the entire lane. I tried all 3 balls...and would have went to the loaded revolver if I actually had it in the bag...but I didn't. So I used the Asylum for all 3 games.

    Game 1 I missed TWO single 10-pins (including one in the 10th) and missed a 6-9. Kinda hard to score well when you can't make corner-pin spares. : (

    Game 2 I started to feel my speed come I started moving RIGHT rather than left to make up for my speed creeping back up. Only had two open frams...both single 7-pins...including one in the 10th!! : ( : (

    Game 3 I had back-to-back 8-10 splits on the left lane. Then a turkey. Then a missed 6-pin...then a 6-7 split in the 10th for my third straight open frame in the 10th!!! : ( : ( : (

    PinPal Stats:
    First Ball Average: 8.90 pins
    Strikes: 36% (1 turkey, 1 double, and 6 singles)
    Spares: 47% picked up

    Single Pin spares: 37% (3/8)
    Most common single-pin leaves: 5-pin (3x).
    Only left the 5-pin, 6-pin, 7-pin, and 10-pin.

    Multiple Pin spares: 54% (6/11)
    Most common multi-pin leaves: 1-2-8 (3x).

    Splits: 0% (0/4)

    Average over 3 games: 167.67.
    Average had I picked up 100% of single pin spare leaves: 186.00.

    I gotta NOT smoke before bowling. Every time I've tried it...thinking it would relax me or that it would wear off before bowling started...I've ended up hurting myself score-wise. That's an easy fix.

    Speed control seems to be the key going forward. As I watched the ball hook the lane...thrown about as slow as I can throw occurred to me that I have more hook than I thought. And watching as I missed right over and over that speed slowly entered back was apparent that I might be able to consistently own that pocket...if I could just keep my speed at a consistent level.

    Next practice will be at LEAST 50% single-pin corner spares. That was absolutely ridiculous...I missed EVERY corner-pin spare. 100% on 5-pins though!! YIPPEE!!

    15lbs is giving me more control and better movement. I think I'm getting a little better pin action as well. But a glaring weakness appears to be deflection. I'm leaving FAR more single 8-pins and 8-10 splits than I ever have using 16lb equipment.

    Won the poker hand twice though...just the $3 one at our table. Last week I lost all 3 I guess I can be happy about something.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  2. #792
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amyers View Post
    I will say I've never seen the Lethal in action so I could be wrong but combine the higher Rg of the Lethal with the propel x cover which is more of a medium oil cover vs the asymmetrical heavy oil cover and lower Rg of the Dark Encounter it's easily the stronger of the two balls. Not even close. I have seen the Loaded sanded and it should be about the same as the Lethal.

    I would suggest giving the DE a try playing more of an inside line in the oil on fresh conditions (I know not your strong suit) and see how it performs.
    I hate to say it...but it "might" just be that Columbia has weaker covers than other ball manufacturers. I don't like to believe that the balls really make much of a difference...but thus far both my Columbia balls have been huge disappointments.

    You're right, the DE SHOULD be the most powerful ball. It's a pro level ball (2 years ago), it has an assymetric, stronger core, and has a fairly low RG...not to mention it has a solid cover. it's sister the just doesn't seem to have that "bite" that you see with Storm, Rotogrip, or Brunswick. The Bullet Train and Hammer were "in between"...but both Columbia balls I tried...and even the newer LX15 and HX15 that I tried at the demo...they just didn't have that "bite" to them that I would expect from a newer technology ball.

    I'm just really weary about EBI at this point. I've tried Hammers, Track, Columbia...never tried an Ebonite yet...and they just don't have that "sticky" cover that seems to grab the lanes. I could be wrong...the DE definitely moved when I was throwing it outside at lower speeds...but it was almost a reluctant move. It was as if the balls were alive and had personalities...the DE seemed to have a personality of, "Oh....okay <sigh>....I guess I'll hook...if I HAVE TO! : (" And that's not what I'm seeing from Brunswick, Storm, or Rotogrip.

    Maybe it's just in my head. Maybe it's more due to how poorly my skill set is. I don't pretend to know for sure. I'm just saying...the EBI stuff I've thrown just doesn't seem to have "it" compared to the other brands I've thrown.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  3. #793
    Bowling Guru Amyers's Avatar
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    I've never thrown any Colombia equipment and most of what I see of it is older stuff. So maybe your correct but I think if there stuff is that underperforming they woul have been out of business long ago. The one ebi product I have is the arson low flare and it hooks plenty for a ball that I bought to play lower oil conditions with.
    I am a proud member of bowling forums and ball contest winner

    Current arsenal

    900 Global Badger Claw - Radical Ridiculous Pearl - Spare Ball Ebonite T Zone

  4. #794
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Wednesday League Night: shorter pattern/heavy oil in the middle/dry outside

    529 Series: 168-183-178

    Had trouble with the oil pattern tonight. I was trying to play around 13 but I think the pattern went out a bit further, maybe to 10.5. I shoulda started outside, but I was being stubborn trying to play that inside line and it cost me the first two games.

    Game 1 I struck 4 out of 5 times on right lane…looked like the ball was going right up the oil line at about 14. But on the left lane…seemed like the oil pattern was wider…maybe to just inside 10. I ended up finally switching to the Dark Encounter on that lane and playing it around 11…but that wasn't a great line either. And, I missed a singe 2-pin. TWICE! : (

    Game 2 I was using the Dark Encounter on the left lane and the Lethal Revolver on the right lane…switching the IT inserts from ball to ball between turns (which was kinda annoying). I chopped a 3-6 in the first frame, but was otherwise clean including picking up a 3-6-7-10 split in the 9th.

    Game 3 I left another 3-6-7-10 split, this time in the first frame, and this time I couldn't convert it. Then I got robbed on a pocket stone 9 in the 5th that I usually will pick up…but the lanes were too dry on the outside so my strike ball hooked just left of it. I was otherwise clean…but only struck twice. : (

    PinPal Stats:
    First Ball Average: 8.67 pins
    Strikes: 30% (2 doubles and 6 singles)
    Spares: 68% picked up

    Single Pin spares: 72% (8/11)
    Most common single-pin leave: 2-pin, 4-pin, and 7-pin (2x each)
    Never left a single 1-pin nor 8-pin.

    Multiple Pin spares: 63% (7/11)
    Most common multi-pin leaves: 2-4-5, 1-2-8, and 3-6-7-10 split (2x each).

    Splits: 33% (1/3)

    Average over 3 games: 176.33.
    Average had I picked up 100% of single pin spare leaves: 184.33.

    I used to try different lines in practice…but sort of stopped because I was just running out of time in practice trying 3 lines and 2-3 balls on each line. But tonight I really needed to abandon my 13-board game and go out to the 9-board…but I was too stubborn. And by the time I went out there…it was the 3rd game and getting beat up.

    And the spare shooting was weird…I made all my corner pins but missed 100% of my middle pins (2 and 9)…that doesn't happen very often…maybe 1-2 times a year. Thursday practice is still going to focus on corner pin spares though. It was too "off" Tuesday and that worries me. I don't strike enough to be a bad spare shooter.

    Thursday Practice:

    Spare shooting practice: Low Ball
    Goal 60 pins or less
    Gutter = + 10 pins

    Game 1: 80
    Game 2: 70
    Game 3: 96

    By Game 3 I think I figured out it was a balance issue. Once I started making sure to get the balance arm out there….the spare shooting seemed to improve. The Game 3 score is the worst, but thats due to 3 gutters = 30 pins.

    The sad thing is….even playing low ball and not striking once…I think I still beat 2 of the 3 guys bowling next to me.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  5. #795
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Tuesday League Night: 40ft flat THS pattern

    483 Series: 145-165-173
    (Last 2 Weeks = 147-174-177-159-173-171)

    So lets see....over 3 weeks:

    Game 1: 147, 159, 145. (Average = 150, SD = 7.57 pins)
    Game 2: 174, 173, 165. (Average = 171, SD =4.9 pins)
    Game 3: 177, 171, 173. (Average = 174, SD = 3.1 pins)

    Current League Average = 171.

    I find this mathematically interesting. Granted, it's a small sample size, especially to run a standard deviation (SD)...but 3 weeks...and Game 3 was 177, 171, 173...all 3 weeks Game 1 was about 21 pins below my league average while all Game 2s and 3s...only once did I come short of my average. It's bordering on statistical significance.

    Game 1...well, lets just say I kicked by 4-ball roller frustration levels were high. I started out missing right...and missed 3 multi-pin spares in the first 5 frames. I recovered in the 2nd half of the game...but opened in the 10th on a chopped 3-10 baby split. It seemed like speed was an issue early on...but then I moved right to try and go straighter at the pocket...and then started missing left for the rest of Game 1. : (

    Game 2 I started out with a turkey...but missed a single 6-pin...then missed a 4-7...converted a 5-7 (ironically)...but chopped a 1-3-6 in the 9th and then opened in the 10th with another horribly timed split...this time the Big 4. : ( : (

    Game 3 I struck 4 out of 5 times on the left lane after balling down to the Dark Encounter...but didn't strike on the right lane until the 10th. But...spare shooting is still "off" for some reason...missed a 7-pin and a 4-pin. The 6th frame was the only frame I didn't get 9+ pins with the first ball...leaving a 4-6-10 my game was feeling better...just too little too late.

    PinPal Stats:
    First Ball Average: 8.58 pins
    Strikes: 32% (1 turkey, 1 double, and 5 singles)
    Spares: 47% picked up

    Single Pin spares: 62% (5/8)
    Most common single-pin leaves: 7-pin (3x).
    Never left a single 1-pin, 2-pin, 5-pin, 8-pin, nor 9-pin.

    Multiple Pin spares: 38% (5/13)
    Most common multi-pin leaves: 2-4-8 (2x).

    Splits: 25% (1/4)

    Average over 3 games: 161.00.
    Average had I picked up 100% of single pin spare leaves: 171.67.

    We took 3 out of 4 it wasn't a total loss. And I had more than a handful to several shots that in all honesty looked absolutely perfect. I don't have the repeatable form of our anchor nor the speed/precision combo of our 4th bowler...BUT...when I can add a good release to my speed and accuracy...I end up getting a ball that looks like a semi-pro threw it. Perfect axis tilt and rotation....and the speed to really get a good deal of power. I mean, some of my shots were actually TOO GOOD...because the pins scattered like a flock of pigeons...and on a few shots I'd get pins bouncing all over the place...yet somehow not hit the 7-pin. On one shot, I sent a messenger flying towards the 7-pin...but it bounced off the lane and over the top of the 7-pin.

    The difference I'm seeing is two-fold...good and bad.

    On the BAD side...I'm seeing a trend that early on I'm "trying too hard". I'm throwing too hard, too feet are fast...and I'm just tense. As the night goes on...especially if I start to find my groove....I start to slow down...I start to relax...I let the ball do the work. I have to find a way to get those early series jitters out of my way before it actually counts.

    On the GOOD side...and I WILL provide some video evidence when I remember to bring my camera with me...but during Game 3 I really started relaxing and focusing on my release more...and was working. For a guy that has always been rev challenged...who throws the ball faster than most others I bowl with/ feels kinda good to hear the other team say things like, "Man...that ball hooked like mad!" I think most of my problem early on was just not having my fingers in the proper position to actually make the ball move sideways. I'd throw with a broken wrist and push my fingers through the ball...but it would be a straight ball...minor flare at the end. Now I've found a way to stay behind the ball...but get that ideal axis tilt...and combine that with 1lb lighter equipment...I'm now having TROUBLE playing outside of 7...where I used to LOVE to play...because even at 17mph...with 15lb equipment and me finally developing some semblance of a "release"'s just too dry out there and I can't stay right.

    So I'm starting to see the fruits of my labors. I'm starting to see that I can actually throw the ball properly and get good revs...and good axis tilt and axis rotation. As many, many coaches (including Rob) have plainly stated....I "don't need more speed". The speed is good. The trick was always how to get enough axis tilt and rotation...and enough get the ball to move laterally down lane when the ball is travelling 15-17mph. And it was always frustrating...because most of the higher scoring players...none of them threw as hard as I I'd see their bowling balls move laterally...and it would frustrate me. I figured eventually I'd have to learn to throw slower...and I didn't want to do that. If the pros throw 19-21mph...and can get the ball back to the pocket...then I should be able to throw weaker balls (technology-wise) and find a way to get to the pocket at 16mph. And now I'm starting to see it. For those that have followed my videos...I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised when you see some of the aspects of my game that have really turned a corner.

    But...yeah, 483...NOT happy about that. As much as I try not to be "typical" any other bowler I HATE when I score badly....progress or not.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  6. #796
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    Also, I finally got some information on the pattern for this (harder) Tuesday league. The pro shop operator calls it a "40ft flat house pattern".

    I doubt it's truly the US Open pattern...but I think it is fairly flat at least through the heads. And 40ft...that's fairly long....and that makes sense based on what I've seen in terms of ball reaction.

    Why a house would put down such a hard pattern...I don't know. It's kinda a shame...because it's a nice center, and I like the people...but it's rather tiring to go out there and average 12-15 pins (or more) lower than at other houses. The pro shop operator said it's a good thing because players that bowl there, can go to handicap tournaments and do well...because their averages are deflated. But, see, to me that's not really "fair". This is the kinda thing the USBC needs to do a better job of regulating (but never will). It's not fair to a 190 average player that shows up at a tournament on a THS...and bowls against a person who rolls league on some crazy hard pattern and has 12-15 pins of handicap "gifted" to him.

    Still no "pattern sheet" though. Houses supposedly are supposed to have something like that...but both centers I've asked for it...both say they'll ask this guy or that guy...and I have yet to get anything back.

  7. #797
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
    Also, I finally got some information on the pattern for this (harder) Tuesday league. The pro shop operator calls it a "40ft flat house pattern".

    I doubt it's truly the US Open pattern...but I think it is fairly flat at least through the heads. And 40ft...that's fairly long....and that makes sense based on what I've seen in terms of ball reaction.

    Why a house would put down such a hard pattern...I don't know. It's kinda a shame...because it's a nice center, and I like the people...but it's rather tiring to go out there and average 12-15 pins (or more) lower than at other houses. The pro shop operator said it's a good thing because players that bowl there, can go to handicap tournaments and do well...because their averages are deflated. But, see, to me that's not really "fair". This is the kinda thing the USBC needs to do a better job of regulating (but never will). It's not fair to a 190 average player that shows up at a tournament on a THS...and bowls against a person who rolls league on some crazy hard pattern and has 12-15 pins of handicap "gifted" to him.

    Still no "pattern sheet" though. Houses supposedly are supposed to have something like that...but both centers I've asked for it...both say they'll ask this guy or that guy...and I have yet to get anything back.
    By flat, he probably means that the only loads are something like 10 to 10, not like a christmas tree where you have loads like 8 to 8, 10 to 10, 12 to 12, 14 to 14 at different distances down the lane.

  8. #798
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike White View Post
    By flat, he probably means that the only loads are something like 10 to 10, not like a christmas tree where you have loads like 8 to 8, 10 to 10, 12 to 12, 14 to 14 at different distances down the lane.
    Yeah…but I don't think they'd put down a true 40ft flat pattern. Seems like they could save more money on oil by using a standard pattern than by not re-oiling before leagues for 1/2 the year.

    A flat pattern DOES explain a LOT of things though. All season I noticed 3 things:

    1) The pattern was longer than typical. You could see it if you had to throw straight up the middle…the ball wouldn't seem to encounter friction until very far down the lane.

    2) The right side, after they stopped re-oiling before league play…seemed like there was no breakpoint…as if house bowlers throwing plastic balls all day had pushed oil into the breakpoint.

    3) Other houses, the patterns seem to go from 27 to 13…at least at the base (of the Christmas tree). At THIS house…it seemed like the pattern at the base was about 5 boards wider like 32 to 8.

    4) There was little miss room right…maybe 2 boards…and even 2 boards you'd hit light 90% of the time. Which 'could' have been the result of throwing the ball in the oil…unless you're playing 1-7…and playing 1-7…your ball would burn out…then thats another reason it could hit light.

    I mean, I respect the challenge…but here's the thing: If you're gonna put a harder pattern down…for whatever reason…then you have to re-apply pre-league. Because the flatter the pattern…the longer the pattern…the more oil carries down during open bowling…ESPECIALLY FOR RIGHTIES…and you end up with patterns where the entire right side of the lane has random oil volumes.

  9. #799
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
    Yeah…but I don't think they'd put down a true 40ft flat pattern. Seems like they could save more money on oil by using a standard pattern than by not re-oiling before leagues for 1/2 the year.

    A flat pattern DOES explain a LOT of things though. All season I noticed 3 things:

    1) The pattern was longer than typical. You could see it if you had to throw straight up the middle…the ball wouldn't seem to encounter friction until very far down the lane.

    2) The right side, after they stopped re-oiling before league play…seemed like there was no breakpoint…as if house bowlers throwing plastic balls all day had pushed oil into the breakpoint.

    3) Other houses, the patterns seem to go from 27 to 13…at least at the base (of the Christmas tree). At THIS house…it seemed like the pattern at the base was about 5 boards wider like 32 to 8.

    4) There was little miss room right…maybe 2 boards…and even 2 boards you'd hit light 90% of the time. Which 'could' have been the result of throwing the ball in the oil…unless you're playing 1-7…and playing 1-7…your ball would burn out…then thats another reason it could hit light.

    I mean, I respect the challenge…but here's the thing: If you're gonna put a harder pattern down…for whatever reason…then you have to re-apply pre-league. Because the flatter the pattern…the longer the pattern…the more oil carries down during open bowling…ESPECIALLY FOR RIGHTIES…and you end up with patterns where the entire right side of the lane has random oil volumes.

    Don't think of it as a harder pattern, only a different pattern.

    At Arlington we usually have a 10 to 10, 40 foot pattern.

    Most people who are used to it, start the ball a little left of 10, and let it swing out a bit outside of 10, where it encounters friction, so it follows the edge of the oil down to 40 feet, then hopefully makes a move towards the pocket.

    When we go to Laughlin, they oil 6 to 6, about 42 feet.

    Most of the people try to play the lane exactly the same as if it were 10 to 10, and when they let it swing out, it doesn't stop going out at about 10 board, it doesn't stop until it's a bit outside of 6.

    At the end of the oil, the move the ball makes while similar in magnitude, ends up wide of the pocket, because it started from a point wider, and a couple of feet closer to the pins.

    I took the time before we started bowling, to look at the lanes to see where there was oil, and I walked down the side walkway, to get an idea of how long the oil was.

    With that information, I tightened up my line from 15 at the arrows, out to 5 at 40 feet (at Arlington), to about 10 at the arrows, out to 3 at 42 feet.

    By reducing the launch angle, I get more back end reaction to compensate for the oil being wider, and longer.

  10. #800
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Wednesday League Night: low-oil synthetics

    Pre-League Practice:

    551 Series: 180-198 (clean)-173

    Thought maybe if I got some warm-up games in, maybe I'd settle down before league play.

    Game 1 I just worked on balance as I was trying to get used to my other pair of shoes. I had trouble sliding in the brown pair on Tuesday so I put on the white Dexters which slide a lot more. Was almost a clean game but got a 4-6 split in the 2nd and missed a single 7-pin in the 3rd.

    Game 2 I was trying to work on focus…keeping my eyes on the target until the ball is delivered…just let the body do whatever muscle memory dictated.

    Game 3 I was working on my release. I was tempted to work the inside of the ball…but figured I'd save that for when I had more time.

    PinPal Stats:
    First Ball Average: 8.82 pins
    Strikes: 38% (3 doubles, and 7 singles)
    Spares: 73% picked up

    Single Pin spares: 62% (5/8)
    Most common single-pin leave: 5-pin (3x)
    Never left a single 1-pin, 2-pin, 3-pin, 8-pin, nor 9-pin.

    Multiple Pin spares: 81% (9/11)
    Most common multi-pin leaves: 2-5 (2x).

    Splits: 66% (2/3)

    Average over 3 games: 183.67.
    Average had I picked up 100% of single pin spare leaves: 195.00.

    League Night: low-oil synthetics

    542 Series: 162-190-190
    Ughhh! If the first game jitters wouldn't have bitten me AGAIN…I may have had a shot at a triplicate…and a 190 triplicate would be pretty sweet.

    Game 1 I struggled with spares. A missed 7-pin in the 7th, a missed 10-pin in the 8th, and a chopped 5-9 9th…kinda ruined what started out as a pretty solid spare shooting game.

    Game 2 I was a chopped 6-9-10 in the 3rd away from a clean 200+ game.

    Game 3 I made a terrible, pulled shot in the 5th and couldn't convert. And then in the 10th I missed a single 8-pin costing me another potential 200-game. But, we had the game in hand so even though I didn't intentionally miss it (by about 1/2 inch), I wasn't that broken up about it.

    PinPal Stats:
    First Ball Average: 8.94 pins
    Strikes: 34% (1 turkey, 1 double, and 6 singles)
    Spares: 70% picked up

    Single Pin spares: 78% (11/14)
    Most common single-pin leave: 10-pin (6x)
    Never left a single 1-pin, 2-pin, 3-pin, 6-pin, nor 9-pin.

    Multiple Pin spares: 50% (3/6)
    Most common multi-pin leaves: n/a.

    Splits: n/a

    Average over 3 games: 180.67.
    Average had I picked up 100% of single pin spare leaves: 191.33.

    Had trouble with balance and speed control. My new approach generates a little more speed and with the Dexters being more able to slide…it's a combination I need to get used to. My spare game sorta came back…and I was worried about that…but I just couldn't get the carry tonight. SIX single 10-pins tonight and two 7-pins…just a lot of shots that looked solid and hit pocket…but didn't strike.

    But…we took all 4 points against the BYE team so 4 points is 4 points.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

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