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Thread: Aslan's Scores (of the non-lady kind)

  1. #951
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubba809 View Post
    ......or maybe she saw the 15 undrilled bowling bowling balls you keep in the living room with little hats and name tags on each. One labeled "Iceman". One "Mike". Or maybe she checked your browser to find 163 searches under "Bowling/stats/mental" #obsessed #Ineedtoimprove. Or maybe she saw your thick diary under the coffee table labeled, "Mudpuppy's Cliffnotes".
    I like the idea of a girl actually making it far enough along in the process that we actually meet and she actually has the opportunity to discover all those disturbing things. Not so sure I like the outcome though.

    Quote Originally Posted by RobLV1 View Post
    [I]The only thing that Rob M is trying to convince you of is that you shouldn't be making any decision about what ball to start with on Monday, the previous Thursday!
    And as soon as you come up with a way to do an extensive test of 5 balls, multiple lines, and a pair of 10 minutes of pre-league practice...I'll be one of the first people to sign up to give it a try. Until then, I am a cub scout that needs to "be prepared".

  2. #952
    High Roller vdubtx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
    And as soon as you come up with a way to do an extensive test of 5 balls, multiple lines, and a pair of 10 minutes of pre-league practice...I'll be one of the first people to sign up to give it a try. Until then, I am a cub scout that needs to "be prepared".
    You practice enough to know what each of your balls do on the lanes, and, how each one is different. Make a plan to start with the ball that has given you the best reaction on those specific lanes and make adjustments from there.

    There is no magic formula that anyone is ever going to come up with to make warm ups tell you exactly which ball to use that specific day. Roll your ball, watch it's reaction and adjust from there with the knowledge of what balls are in your bag(s).
    High Sanctioned Scratch Game - 300(12) Hi Sanctioned Scratch Series - 822(3)
    2016/17 Book Average=221, 2017/18 Composite Average=223
    Equipment in the bag - Storm Crux Prime, Storm Physix, Roto Grip Idol, Roto Grip Idol Pearl, Roto Grip Hyper Cell Fused, Storm Sure Lock, Storm Drive, Roto Grip Winner Solid, Roto Grip Haywire, Storm Fever Pitch, Roto Grip Red ball spare.

    Rev Rate 400. Speed 18 at heads, 16.5-17 at pins. Axis tilt 10, Axis Rotation 55. PAP 5 5/8 x 5/8 up

  3. #953
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    I agree VDubtx. And that's what I'm going to try Saturday night at the colored-pin tournament. I'm just really apprehensive about using long (high RG) pearls on a fresh pattern. I'm seeing positive results using them on burnt patterns...but logically, I SHOULD see those results on a burnt pattern. But, I'm coachable and I'm willing to try.

    My point about the "system" is that bowling is a game of consistency. The less "creativity" in the process; the better. When people start advocating "getting an idea on how a ball or arsenal of balls plays in a certain house based on experience"...they are on a slippery slope because if a new bowler popped in here and says that h'/she chooses their ball based on randomly throwing each ball in their bag until they strike...we'd say that is not an optimal way to choose. Of matter of fact, one of my biggest pet peeves are "new arsenal bowlers" that throw a ball a couple frames...then pull a shot and suddenly grab ball #2. No reasoning. No point to it. Just "feel".

    My belief is that "feel" is what you use to determine if you made a shot worthy of making an adjustment or not making an adjustment. Actual results should dictate what ball you throw and when. But that's just my current belief. I could be wrong, there could be better approaches, and I'm open to new ideas. But the ideas have to be at least somewhat scientific to adequately sway me...I don't get swayed by "feel".
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  4. #954


    I'm just really apprehensive about using long (high RG) pearls on a fresh pattern. I'm seeing positive results using them on burnt patterns...but logically, I SHOULD see those results on a burnt pattern. But, I'm coachable and I'm willing to try.

    It's just another of the famous Aslan preconceptions. Look at it this way: when you start with a dull solid and play outside of the second arrow, you're not in any significant amount of oil, even if the pattern is fresh. This is a tremendous opportunity for the ball to lose energy before it gets anywhere near the pins. On a forty foot pattern, there is twenty feet of friction past the end of the pattern, even in the center of the lane. Using a high rg polished pearl allows you to retain the energy in the ball to do the most damage to the pins, even when you insist on playing in the dirt because you think you can't hook it.

  5. #955
    High Roller vdubtx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
    I agree VDubtx. And that's what I'm going to try Saturday night at the colored-pin tournament. I'm just really apprehensive about using long (high RG) pearls on a fresh pattern. I'm seeing positive results using them on burnt patterns...but logically, I SHOULD see those results on a burnt pattern. But, I'm coachable and I'm willing to try.

    My point about the "system" is that bowling is a game of consistency. The less "creativity" in the process; the better. When people start advocating "getting an idea on how a ball or arsenal of balls plays in a certain house based on experience"...they are on a slippery slope because if a new bowler popped in here and says that h'/she chooses their ball based on randomly throwing each ball in their bag until they strike...we'd say that is not an optimal way to choose. Of matter of fact, one of my biggest pet peeves are "new arsenal bowlers" that throw a ball a couple frames...then pull a shot and suddenly grab ball #2. No reasoning. No point to it. Just "feel".

    My belief is that "feel" is what you use to determine if you made a shot worthy of making an adjustment or not making an adjustment. Actual results should dictate what ball you throw and when. But that's just my current belief. I could be wrong, there could be better approaches, and I'm open to new ideas. But the ideas have to be at least somewhat scientific to adequately sway me...I don't get swayed by "feel".
    As usual, over complicating it. Who cares what someone else does and why they grab another ball. Go with what you know your balls will do and adjust accordingly. Outside influences don't matter, just you, the ball and the lane. Not talking about feeling what a ball will do, it's knowing what the ball will do based on prior balls being used.
    High Sanctioned Scratch Game - 300(12) Hi Sanctioned Scratch Series - 822(3)
    2016/17 Book Average=221, 2017/18 Composite Average=223
    Equipment in the bag - Storm Crux Prime, Storm Physix, Roto Grip Idol, Roto Grip Idol Pearl, Roto Grip Hyper Cell Fused, Storm Sure Lock, Storm Drive, Roto Grip Winner Solid, Roto Grip Haywire, Storm Fever Pitch, Roto Grip Red ball spare.

    Rev Rate 400. Speed 18 at heads, 16.5-17 at pins. Axis tilt 10, Axis Rotation 55. PAP 5 5/8 x 5/8 up

  6. #956
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    But Rob...IF your belief it true...lets call it Hypothesis #1:
    "You will have higher scoring in a modern game if you play inside and throw to a breakpoint using a pearl cover ball because today's game is less about friction/revs and more about stored energy versus balls losing energy in the dry."

    So, the null hypothesis (the opposite argument that you try to prove in order to "nullify" the hypothesis) is:
    "You will have lower scoring....etc...if you throw to a breakpoint using a pearl cover ball OR you'll have lower scoring playing second arrow because you can't store any energy out there....etc..."

    The problem with that argument still see MOST players playing up second arrow. And you still see a TON of bowlers playing out there successfully. So that's at least a partial strike against the original hypothesis....because according to your theory...up the 2nd arrow should be a death blow. The other side of the argument against the original hypothesis is that I've actually thrown balls inside of 2nd arrow. I've lined up as deep as 20-25 boards left and targeting as far left as 24. I can tell you that I rarely strike at that angle. I can rarely get the ball to make a turn that far inside. And when it does hits weak.

    So why might this strategy work better for YOU (because I've seen your success with it) and not for me? Well, you say you throw 16.5mph...I think you throw slower than that. If not, I throw way faster than 16mph because my shot is noticeably faster than yours. Could I play a more inside game if my speed was lower? Maybe. Of matter of a lower speed I doubt I could play as right of 2nd arrow as I do.

    The Mudpuppy Cliff Notes is that your obsession with staying away from 2nd arrow is a position that is severely weakened by the success that most bowlers have playing 2nd arrow. And I think it's harder for you to see that because YOUR shot would probably not work well over 2nd arrow. I'm willing to move inside...I'd actually welcome it in many ways...but how many 2-4-5s do I have to leave trying to move inside when the shot at my speed and rev rate just isn't there??

    This would be a better discussion to have when I can get some videos posted. I have the Melee Jab vs. Loaded Revolver project (testing the effect of modern technology versus older technology) next in line. But maybe after that I can show what happens when I start moving inside.

    On that note...I think while I'm working, I'm gonna put youtube on in the background and relive the greatest single tournament in the history of single tournaments....and watch Rob's heroic triumph in the "Aslan vs. Iceman Challenge".
    Last edited by Aslan; 10-23-2015 at 02:50 PM.

  7. #957


    OMG! Hypothesis #1? Let me be clear that I have nothing against playing the second arrow, as long as you don't ASSUME that it's where the shot is. While you are right that the last time we bowled together, my speed was slower than my usual 16.5 mph. As I told you at the time, I only bowled with you so that I could show you a couple of things (mainly about ball reactions), despite the fact that my back was really bad that day. Please, please, please, stop trying to figure everything out! There's no magic formula for higher scores. You are an intelligent man, and as such, you can learn everything you need to know by watching your ball reaction, where others play the lanes, etc. The problem is that while you are looking for the non-existent magic formula, you are closing your mind to what you can learn. Instead of saying, "Eureka, I found the secret!," try saying, after every bowling session, "What did I learn today?".

  8. #958
    Bowling Guru Amyers's Avatar
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    #1 rob doesn't say never throw over the 2nd arrow just that many bowlers assume that's the only place to play.

    #2 rev rate and speed do apply no one is suggesting you star playing 4th arrow.

    #3 pearls can be effective quit trying to over analyze everything.

    #4 how's is a loaded revolver and a Melee Jab new tech vs. old? The loaded revolver is only a year or two old you can still find them new online.

  9. #959
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amyers View Post
    #1 rob doesn't say never throw over the 2nd arrow just that many bowlers assume that's the only place to play.
    If you can find a post/article by Rob that praises playing 2nd arrow...let me know.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amyers View Post
    #3 pearls can be effective quit trying to over analyze everything.
    I realize that...but I've always looked at their value as options for burnt patterns and to allow you to continue playing an up and in game even when the pattern was a bit thinner. To use them first out of the bag on a fresh pattern I would only assume was a good strategy on lower volume or shorter patterns or wood lanes. Rob, I think, is saying that assumption is sometimes/most of the time incorrect.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amyers View Post
    #4 how's is a loaded revolver and a Melee Jab new tech vs. old? The loaded revolver is only a year or two old you can still find them new online.
    If you ask me, it's not. If you ask Rob or anyone that has anything to do with marketing/selling bowling balls...balls become "too old" after a relatively short time. I'm going to test that difference with the Melee Jab that Rob gave me and the Loaded Revolver as they both have similar covers and RGs. Initial impressions are that there may be a's just a matter of how significant it is.

  10. #960
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Saturday Color of Money Tournament: low-oil synthetics

    Small weekly colored-pin tournament.

    I only participated in the tournament because I wanted to practice on fresh conditions and this is about the only opportunity. I wanted to see how the pearls would do on fresh conditions. Unfortunately, even though the guy claims they oiled it, I don't think they did. I got there a little late so I couldn't say for sure.

    534 Series: 192-171-171
    Since I was running a little late, I didn't get much practice time so it took me a few frames to find my line. But I finished strong to salvage the 192. Game 2 was more of the same. Game 3 started out better but I chopped a 6-10 in the 10th for another 171.

    Pinpal Stats:
    First Ball Average: 8.82 pins
    Strikes: 45% (1 4-bagger, 1 turkey, 2 doubles and 4 singles)
    Spares: 44% picked up

    Single Pin spares: 57% (4/7)
    Most common single-pin leaves: 9-pin (2x).
    Never left a single 1-pin, 2-pin, 5-pin and 8-pin.

    Multiple Pin spares: 36% (4/11)
    Most common multi-pin spare leaves: 1-2 and 3-9 (2x each).

    Splits: 0% (0/3)

    Average over 3 games: 178.00.
    Average had I picked up 100% of single pin spare leaves: 188.33.

    I can't really blame the new strategy to use the Pearls. Actually I struck slightly more than the last time I did this tournament...but my spare shooting was abysmal. I'm not sure if it was a fresh pattern or not. The guy said it was, but nobody bowling thought it was. But I think Monday league I'm gonna keep the angle the same but move in 5.5 boards left (target and feet). It just seems like this center the lanes break down quickly. I'm thinking it might be advantageous to start left of everyone versus right of everyone. It's worth a shot

    Gotta get my release more consistent, gotta fix the spare shooting problems, gotta figure out the arsenal in progress.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

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